Special Populations

Articles that span issues or concepts related to special populations such as youth, elderly, or those suffering with specific conditions.

Exercise & the Senior Client

Clients ages 50 and over are sometimes treated with "kid gloves". Training should be prescribed on an individual basis, of course, but barring contraindications, there are many types of exercise...

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Training Overweight Children

Health professionals and others have expressed a concern at the rising rates of obesity in all segments of the population, including adolescent and children. In less than 30 years, the obesity rate...

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Women and Weight Training

Women and weight training is something that isn't usually observed. Many women are afraid to lift weights because they are worried that they will get too bulky and look masculine. Only 16.5% of...

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Strength Training for Children and Adolescents


Many parents focus on helping their child reach their full academic potential, with tutoring, homework, and structure.  Children have an athletic potential as well that is often overlooked, or taught that team sports alone will help them reach it.  While I don’t discount the importance of learning teamwork, team sports alone will not help a child reach that potential.  If they excel at a sport or sports, getting them involved early in strength and conditioning training can mean the difference between playing at the varsity level, possible college scholarship, or reaching the dream of professional sports.
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