The human body derives energy from food in order to fuel exercise movement as well as every essential bodily function. As ingeniously created machines, our bodies can manufacture energy in a variety...

Articles that address concepts relevant for specific sports or activities that may help personal trainers plan for athletic clients.
The human body derives energy from food in order to fuel exercise movement as well as every essential bodily function. As ingeniously created machines, our bodies can manufacture energy in a variety...
In a previous article, we presented varying viewpoints on the necessity of pre-workout supplementation. Here we explore a more holistic approach to pre-workout nutrition. Read on to learn some of...
When trainers hear about Olympic weightlifting they immediately think of two things: either taking a loaded barbell and ripping it off the floor in one violent motion with minimal technique, or that the lifts are detrimental and deleterious to the health and well being of the person doing the lifts. These two assumptions highlight a vast miscomprehension of Olympic weightlifting.
Since its inception, Everesting has experienced growth far beyond its creators’ wildest dreams. Now considered a worldwide sensation, cycling athletes can choose from almost 20,000 Everesting...
In recent years, the sport of powerlifting has been steadily growing within the fitness community. Powerlifting is the only sport to truly test a competitor’s muscular strength against their...
Although both swimming practices and competitions take place in aquatic environs, dryland training can provide substantial benefits for dedicated swimmers. Resistance exercises can aid in building...
To perform well in kickboxing, karate, and most martial art forms, one must develop strength, power, and muscular endurance. If you have sparring clients, understanding the foundations of kickboxing...
In karate, kickboxing and/or mixed martial arts the two contenders bow to one another, acknowledging to the other that contusions, knockouts, and lacerations are inherent consequences of their...
It is imperative for recreation and professional golfers to train optimally to prevent injury and improve their game. Strength training, cardio, flexibility work, and of course, the all-important...
With the new year getting into full swing at gyms across the country, personal trainers may hear from clients who have set their sights on potentially arduous challenges in 2022. Hiking through the...