Exercise may feel difficult or even scary for individuals with cardiovascular and respiratory disease or problems. As personal trainers, you may have questions about how frequently a client with such a condition must exercise and what precautions you should consider....
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Varicose Veins: How the Vein Strain Can Happen To Anyone
Even the fittest athletes can develop varicose veins. So, if your clients complain about them, they’re certainly not alone. Nor are these veins an indication of their sessions not working. Varicose veins can affect anyone, and what’s more, they can negatively affect...
Three Kettlebell Swing Variations You Should Try
When it comes to kettlebell training the most popular exercise has got to be the 2 handed kettlebell swing. There are plenty of different variations in technique for the two-handed swing. However, once your clients master this movement, what other kettlebell...
The Nocebo Effect
We've all heard of the placebo effect, but how familiar are you with the nocebo effect? The placebo effect is a common term that we come across in studies done to test the response of patients to an experimental condition, like a new drug or treatment. These studies...
Posture Correctors: Are They Useful?
Good posture is always an advantage for personal training clients looking to start training and get fit. It allows them to assume the proper posture when doing different exercises to avoid the risk of injury. As a personal trainer, finding ways to help your clients...
Powerlifting Primer: An Intro To Strength Sports
In recent years, the sport of powerlifting has been steadily growing within the fitness community. Powerlifting is the only sport to truly test a competitor’s muscular strength against their opponents. More and more personal trainers and athletic coaches run into...
Fish Out of Water: Working with Swimmers on Dry Land
Although both swimming practices and competitions take place in aquatic environs, dryland training can provide substantial benefits for dedicated swimmers. Resistance exercises can aid in building muscle endurance, improving coordination and stability, and increasing...
Bariatric Surgery: Preparation, Recovery, Long-Term Care
For fitness clients living with obesity and struggling to successfully lose weight, bariatric surgery may be an option they consider. Personal trainers should be informed on weight loss procedures, including risks, benefits, and recovery process. More than 42% of...
The Importance of Hip Stability in Runners
Training a runner? Here is why hip stability should be a primary focus of your personal training program! Did you know it is estimated that the average person who runs a marathon takes anywhere between 55,000 and 65,000 steps? That is 55,000 to 65,000 frontal plane...
The Benefits of NAD For Athletes
Health and fitness trainers know it takes a multi-faceted approach to ensure that athletes reach their full potential. It’s not just hours of training that ensure they perform at their peak. There’s a psychological side to it too, and mental focus and resilience, all...
Golf Fitness Components Important for Training Golfers: What Personal Trainers Need to Know
It is imperative for recreation and professional golfers to train optimally to prevent injury and improve their game. Strength training, cardio, flexibility work, and of course, the all-important recovery all play a role in a golfer’s fitness. Here are the most...
What Trainers Need to Know About Weight Loss Procedures
At some point, you will encounter a client who has either undergone a weight loss procedure or wants your opinion about getting one. Not all weight loss procedures are the same. Some methods work well for certain body conditions, while others may not. You may have...
John Barnes Myofascial Release Approach: A Gentle, Effective Manual Therapy
If you haven’t heard about John Barnes Myofascial Release Approach, you and your personal training clients are really missing out. Myofascial release (MFR) is a type of manual therapy that is especially beneficial for post-workout recovery and relieving pain. MFR...
Do’s and Don’ts When Working with Pregnant Clients
Despite being in a crucial stage, pregnant women don’t get enough guidance when it comes to their fitness and nutrition. A study on the nutrition and exercise behaviors of pregnant women revealed that they often feel overwhelmed and confused in following these health...
Hula Hoop Workout Routine for Beginners
Step aside, dumbbells, there’s a new kid on the block. Hula hoops might look like toys, but they can be incorporated into an effective workout routine that your body and mind will thank you for. Weighted hula hoops are perfect for toning the body and regulating a...
How to Start a Fitness Podcast
Podcasts are one of the quickest growing opportunities for fitness professionals to share their knowledge and expertise. Over 50% of Americans report listening to podcasts, and this number continues to grow1 . How can you start a podcast and start taking advantage of...
Reiki for Exercise and Injury
Reiki, a form of energy work performed by a certified practitioner, may be much more versatile than most of us think. It can be applied to many areas where promoting healing and rejuvenation are required, such as emotional and even physical injury. Surprisingly, Reiki...
Essential Leg Exercises for Basketball Players
Thoughtful leg conditioning can provide basketball players with greater strength and coordination in today’s highly competitive sports world. Consider that the lower body’s gluteus maximus is the human body’s largest muscle. The optimal leg exercises may help players...