The human body derives energy from food in order to fuel exercise movement as well as every essential bodily function. As ingeniously created machines, our bodies can manufacture energy in a variety...

Articles on anatomy concepts relevant for personal trainers.
The human body derives energy from food in order to fuel exercise movement as well as every essential bodily function. As ingeniously created machines, our bodies can manufacture energy in a variety...
A majority of fitness centers across the country require members to wear closed-toed athletic shoes when lifting weights and engaging in other aerobic-type endeavors. Whether a matter of safety...
Biohacking, an emerging term and trend these days, refers to incremental shifts we can make in order to “hit the reset button” on both body and lifestyle. Biohacking involves making small, strategic...
Many of the traditional exercises which we either learned en route to getting certified, or along the way from various industry leaders and professionals, have the potential to cause injury. While...
At this time of year, many individuals begin thinking of getting into better shape to kick off the New Year. While this always remains a laudable goal, it often goes awry, leading some down a...
In the United States alone, 3 million individuals have survived breast cancer; experts predict this number will increase by another million survivors within the next ten years. Healthy lifestyle...
The kinetic chain concept in fitness, based largely upon mechanical engineering principles introduced in 1875 by German engineer Franz Reuleaux, describes the interconnectivity of the body's joints...
Perimenopause, the transitional period before menopause, signals the lessening of estrogen levels in a female’s body. During this phase of life, which in some women can last for years,...
Individuals who have undergone any type of bariatric surgery often have anxieties about beginning or resuming an exercise program. Here we address many of the common concerns as well as offer...
Certified Personal Trainers may work with women and men who discreetly share that they can't sleep through the night without an incontinent trip, or trips, to the bathroom and would benefit from...