The kinetic chain concept in fitness, based largely upon mechanical engineering principles introduced in 1875 by German engineer Franz Reuleaux, describes the interconnectivity of the body's joints...
Articles focused on biological processes and physiology relevant for personal trainers and their clients.
Exploring the Pro’s and Cons of Creatine Use
The topic of whether to take over-the-counter supplements as a way of gaining an athletic edge often sparks debates on both sides of the fence. Creatine, a substance naturally produced in the human...
Top 10 Ideas for Trainers and Their Post-Menopausal Clients
Fitness encompasses more than a woman’s physical body. It extends to her emotions, her spirit, and her unique definition of self. Women deserve to celebrate their lives at any age; however, when the...
Powering Through Perimenopause With Strength Training
Perimenopause, the transitional period before menopause, signals the lessening of estrogen levels in a female’s body. During this phase of life, which in some women can last for years,...
Wellness and the Nootropic Brain Boost
From caffeinated coffee to ayurvedic herbs, nootropic substances keep popping up in relation to overall wellness. Here we shall delve into the topic, highlighting some of the more common nootropics...
Mycoprotein for Muscle Growth
The need for sustainable food proteins, a focal point of interest among agricultural scientists and health professionals for years, continues to spiral. As our global population enlarges, on target...
Eye Color and Ocular Health: Keeping An “Eye” On Pain Tolerance
Aside from the blessing of vision, our eyes hold a wealth of information, from athletic abilities to pain tolerance and a predilection towards certain diseases. Understanding the role of exercise...
Blood Clots and Anticoagulants: Training Clients on Blood Thinners
As personal trainers, our training renders us well-versed in the subtleties of tweaking clients’ workouts to accommodate a variety of chronic health issues, of which understanding and recognizing...
Weight Loss Drugs Crash the Health and Fitness Industry: What Personal Trainers Should Know
As a personal trainer, you may have heard of the weight loss drugs that have hit the market in the last few years and have been surging in popularity, like Wechovie and Ozempic. The more you know...
Collateral Vascular Damage: A Good or Bad Thing For Building Muscle?
Collateral damage refers to any unintended side effects that may result from an initially positive endeavor. Bodybuilding and resistance training programs carry the potential for damage at the...