These resources are for the purpose of personal trainer growth and development through Continuing Education which advances the knowledge of fitness professionals. This article is written for NFPT Certified Personal Trainers to receive Continuing Education Credit (CEC). Please contact NFPT at 800.729.6378 or with questions or for more information.

What Is a Calorie? Personal Trainers Need to Know!

Weight loss to improve cardiovascular health is a high priority of the American Heart Association because approximately 34 percent of the population is overweight.
The most basic and fundamental law that governs whether you gain weight or lose weight is the first law of thermodynamics, which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be transformed from one type to another. For our purposes here, the most common unit of energy measure is the calorie.

Acromioplasty vs. Rotator Cuff Repair

Acromioplasty vs. Rotator Cuff Repair

The shoulder is one of the most complicated joints, having the ability to move in six different motions. The shoulder is therefore susceptible to injury because of potential trauma, overuse or degeneration requiring potential surgery. Two of the most common surgical procedures for the shoulder are acromioplasty and rotator cuff repair.

Understanding Exercise Injury Risk Factors

A basic assumption among people when they work is out that they leave the gym in some way better than they did when they came in. For that reason, it’s important place as much emphasis on injury prevention, treatment and/or management as on the effectiveness of fitness program design.

It’s not an Earthquake – It’s a Lifestyle Shift

A client came to me recently with a goal of holding his “spare tire” at bay. While this is a rather amorphous platform from which to spring forward, I accepted the challenge and wrote him a basic exercise plan. However, when I attempted to touch on the subject of nutrition, he virtually jumped down my throat, informing me that he still wanted to “enjoy life”, and he was unwilling to accept any dietary restrictions or changes to his current favorite foods.

Aerobic Exercise for General Fitness

Aerobic activity should be an integral part of every exercise prescription for an apparently health individual. But how much aerobic- in relation to resistance training depends in large part on each client’s current condition and his or her fitness goals.

Training the Basketball Athlete

All athletes understand the need for proper conditioning in order to excel in their particular sport. If their body is not in top shape they will not be able to compete at the level needed or expected. The purpose of training is to improve the performance and conditioning of the athlete in their particular sport. In the case of the basketball athlete, their integrated movement of agility, strength, explosiveness and cardio conditioning should be the major focus of their training.

Principles of Resistance Training

Resistance training has many aspects. It can be utilized to gain muscular size, endurance, recovery of an injury or as part of an athlete’s training program. This article will cover some of the principles of resistance training and how your client can benefit from them.

Nutrition Around Your Workouts!

When it comes to eating a pre and post-workout meal there is a lot of debate on what to eat, how long before and after exercise should you eat, and how much you should eat. This article will cover some of the basics of pre post-workout nutrition.

Tips on Cardio Training

It is important for personal trainers to be well-rounded and well versed in variety of exercises. Every trainer should know how to train someone by means of aerobic (cardiovascular), anaerobic, flexibility, and agility-based activities.

Improving Cardiorespiratory Endurance

Improving cardiorespiratory endurance shouldn't be a goal for athletes only. Here's what personal trainers need to know about this important general fitness variable. Cardiorespiratory Endurance = Efficiency Regular aerobic exercise enhances cardiorespiratory...

Calculating RMR (Without a Lab)

A person’s basal metabolic rate (BMR) and resting metabolic rate (RMR) represent the total amount of energy the body consumes while at rest or asleep. One of the main purposes for determining these rates with respect to fitness is to help calculate a person’s basic caloric needs each day.

Keys to Successful Aging

One of my favorite quotes, especially now that I am in my early 50’s, goes something like this: “Growing old is mandatory; growing up, however, is optional”. With today’s Baby Boomers comprising nearly 20% of the American population, we need to recognize their presence in a variety of arenas, including the paradigm of wellness and self-care.

Supply & Demand: Working the Muscles of the Lower Body

Many people want to build muscle in the arms, shoulders, back and chest – the ‘show’ muscles – at the expense of what are sometimes perceived as the less flashy muscles of the lower body. That’s unfortunate, because there are some very sound reasons not to neglect those muscles for the benefit of the whole body.