Many personal trainers are hesitant to sub or even to leave town because they’re worried about losing clients or the absence of vacation pay. These concerns are common and natural. Substitution can...
Personal Training Business
Blog articles addressing topics relevant for personal training business and marketing concepts.
Fitness Retreats are More Fun with Peace of Mind
Summer and fall weather provides the ability to train outdoors. You have more freedom to be creative with your workout for clients. If you’re a personal trainer in a state where summer weather is...
Making The Right Connections: Merging PT (Physical Therapy) with PT (Personal Training)
You are unique, the only individual in the world who can be “you”. Even identical twins possess a few unique characteristics. So it is in the world of kinesiology and fitness; the same letter...
3 Types of Mentors to Help You Grow Your Personal-Training Business
The old saying is you don’t have to beat your head against a brick wall to know that it’ll hurt. Good to know. But, what about those things that aren’t so easy to figure out? Those things that we...
Becoming a Fitness Presenter and/or Writer
Are you a personal trainer who wants to share your passion for health and fitness with a larger audience? Contributing to the body of knowledge in the industry by being a fitness presenter or writer...
10 Questions to Get More Personal Training Clients
Wouldn't it be great to duplicate your favorite clients and have more of them on your schedule? Your current clients hold the keys to more business. Not only is it easier to keep a client than find...
3 Creative Ways to Use Text Messaging With Clients
We all know that texting between presses on the bench is not cool—but texting as a way of communicating with clients is awesome. Here’s why: Unsurprisingly, 56 percent of millennials polled said...
How to Use Instagram to Build Your Fitness Business
Instagram, if used properly, can be a great tool in your social media arsenal to grow your fitness business. For those of you who are out of the loop, Instagram is a photo sharing site...
Summer Slump? 4 Ways To Boost Your Income
The warm summer months are a great time to take a vacation. Unfortunately, this means your clients are gone for days or weeks at a time leaving you with a smaller paycheck. Since these clients...
Four Ways Personal Trainers Can Utilize Facebook to Build Business
Facebook is by far the world’s largest social network with over 1 Billion users. It has morphed from its humble beginnings in a college dorm room to a worldwide phenomenon connecting individuals...