Summer and fall weather provides the ability to train outdoors. You have more freedom to be creative with your workout for clients. If you’re a personal trainer in a state where summer weather is only a luxury for a couple of months in the year, consider switching up your normal routines to provide a unique experience for your clients while the temperature is still in the double digits! Perhaps you’ve even considered branching out and hosting a retreat this year.

Retreats are trending throughout the country, whether they be on the beach, in the mountains, or on a cruise. You’ve probably seen photos of one on Instagram or mindbodygreen that make you day dream about your next vacation. As a personal trainer, your goal is to make fitness enjoyable for your clients, in order to promote consistency in their workout routines. What better way to do this than provide a beautiful environment for them to train in?

Retreats can be a wonderful way to start your own small fitness community and a great way to earn additional money during the summer months. In order to make this adventure as successful and fulfilling as possible, it’s important to plan well and ensure you’ve crossed all of your T’s and dotted your I’s.

Before you plan your retreat and hit the open road, it’s important to keep a few things in mind in order to cover your business in the event of any “what if” or “uh oh” moments. Some considerations that you probably already thought through include where to hold the event, how to travel there, which workout plan to implement, how much to charge your clients, etc. The big (and exciting!) things.


Cover Yourself

Don’t forget the small things, though. Small things like liability insurance can make a big difference when you’re hosting an event for clients, especially in a new location. Depending on the venue you choose for your retreat, you may be asked to provide proof of different types of insurance to the venue, including Professional Liability Insurance or General Liability Insurance.

A Professional Liability (or “Malpractice”) Insurance policy provides coverage for a claim, lawsuit, or incident that occurs as a result of the professional services you provide as a personal trainer. Another common coverage that can be added to a Malpractice Insurance policy is General Liability Insurance. This is also known as “slip and fall” or “premises” liability, which provides coverage in the event of a bodily injury, for example.

Imagine a client injures themselves because you forget a step in your instructions and they proceed to do that exercise with improper form, resulting in a leg injury. If they have to undergo physical therapy or visit the doctor for an X-ray, it’s possible that they could file a claim, holding you liable for the injury or medical expenses.

One last step: Consult your insurance provider to make sure your malpractice policy is portable, meaning that it follows you wherever you go (and can legally provide services) … Including on a retreat!

Most of your clients come into train with the best intentions, but we do live in a litigious society, so it’s better safe than sorry when it comes to managing your risk as a trainer. NFPT partners with CPH & Associates to provide excellent Professional Liability Insurance to their trainers to protect their careers in the event of a “what if” or “uh oh.” Learn more now.



CPH & Associates is proud to be the Professional Liability Insurance partner of NFPT. A policy with CPH brings peace of mind, so you can focus on providing  your clients with the highest quality of care. Visit to learn more about CPH and the importance of carrying personal trainer insurance.

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