This time of year is notoriously harried, fraught with culinary delights, and sparse on physical exertion--for most, that is. We've certainly accounted for the personal training clients that...
Certified Personal Trainers
Access articles for established certified personal trainers to assist in their fitness training programming.
Leverage SMR For Longer Lasting And More Efficient Results
We as fitness professionals most likely employ self-myofascial release (SMR) or static release techniques with most of our clients, but we could probably get more benefit by leveraging the timing...
Understanding Cavitation and Tension Adjustments: What’s all that cracking and popping?
Snapping hips, crackling knees, popping knuckles...all part of the human experience. Fully decoding these noisy joints may never come to pass for the technology required to glean such knowledge is...
Kettlebell Drills You Haven’t Tried Yet
If you are a personal trainer looking to add variety and excitement to your workouts, give these unique kettlebell exercises a go! These are guaranteed to challenge you and boost your or your...
Pedal into the Peloton World
Technology is changing the way many Americans exercise today. From Smartwatches to virtual class experiences, and even intelligent home gyms, individuals are embracing ever more convenient ways to...
Micro-HIIT: Exercise Efficiently On A Time Crunch
Maximizing results in the gym may seem all about how many grueling hours we exercise. However, new research indicates that we can train smarter instead of longer by changing up protocols and moves....
Bodyweight Training for Holiday Travel
Traveling during the holidays might give clients a great excuse to skip their workouts. The barriers are almost endless - little or no access to equipment, not enough space in aunt Carol’s guest...
How Naturopathic Medicine Can Alleviate Pain Or Chronic Symptoms
Naturopathic doctors can be an asset to a personal trainer's network, especially when it comes to working with clients that suffer with chronic pain. Chronic pain is any type of pain that lasts...
Develop Abs Without “Ab Day”
"Core strength" has certainly been a fitness buzz phrase for years, and although the science has come a long way in the last few decades, so many fitness enthusiasts still don't feel they've...
December Exercise Challenge for Clients
The holidays get crazy busy with hectic schedules. Clients stay on the run with holiday shopping, parties, and festivities. Maybe folks don’t eat like they normally do, surrounded by gingerbread,...