Do your clients have “gluteal amnesia” or dysfunction? Sitting for long periods of time, even if someone commits to exercising each day, is murder on the glutes (among other areas such as the...
Certified Personal Trainers
Access articles for established certified personal trainers to assist in their fitness training programming.
Assessing Lumbar and Hamstring Dominance over Gluteal Engagement
Most trainers understand that many clients have "sleepy glutes" that need to be woken up and activated properly in order to perform basic exercises without injury or compensation. A properly firing...
The Nocebo Effect
We've all heard of the placebo effect, but how familiar are you with the nocebo effect? The placebo effect is a common term that we come across in studies done to test the response of patients to an...
Farm Worker Strength: Building General Physical Preparedness
Developing farm worker strength is no longer an endeavor for those working a farm. Personal trainers can learn how this foundational strength is developed and help their fitness clients to achieve...
Murph Challenge Modifications
The Murph Challenge is a tough workout with lots of possibilities. Right now it's popular in the fitness community, but it's not something for the faint of heart. Performing this series of exercises...
Promoting a Growth Mindset: Helping Fitness Clients Achieve and Succeed
Most trainers have encountered a client who outwardly appeared to have all the ability and desire needed to achieve their personal goals and aspirations, yet didn’t live up to the expected level....
1RM: Calculating a Client’s One-Rep Max
The fitness industry defines muscular strength as the physical ability to generate force against an external load. The 1RM simply represents the maximum amount of force that a muscle can exert...
Four Sleep Travel Tips
Vacation and sleep seem to be a perfect pair. Except when noisy hotels and time zone changes get in the way of rest and relaxation. It is possible to sleep well when traveling. Just share these...
VO2 Max for Healthspan
Regardless of what a client's focus is for fitness, personal trainers can and should stress the importance of sustaining and building cardiorespiratory and cardiovascular capacity. Let's discuss how...
Understanding Tempo: Can Specific Eccentric Cadence Can Boost Hypertrophy and Strength?
Understanding lifting tempo is complicated enough for trainers, and most likely completely escaping your clients' attention. Science reveals different outcomes for how we apply such cadences in our...