Injury Prevention and Treatment

Health and fitness articles to help personal trainers employ injury prevention and treatment approaches.

Knee Anatomy Structure and Injuries

For decades the leg extension, squat, leg press and lunge have all been used by general fitness clients, rehab patients and elite athletes alike without much on the side of specific research to help the fitness coach in determining which exercise to use or recommend for a specific goal or need. To understand the concepts and summaries of this article let’s start by taking an in-depth look at the internal components of the knee.

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Helping the Total Knee Replacement (TKR) Client: Post Therapy and Beyond

Osteoarthritis(OA), the most common form of arthritis, a potentially devastating joint disease, affecting some 27 million adults per year and is on the rise. OA typically occurs in the hands, spine and hips affecting a multitude of joints particularly the knees.1 Obtaining a detailed history by the physician, via x-ray, where individuals will complain of symptoms of stiffness, low-grade inflammation and pain, makes diagnosis.

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