
Articles on anatomy concepts relevant for personal trainers.

Lower Leg Joint Anatomy

Many fitness enthusiasts in the course of their fitness journey eventually end up cursing everything from knees to toes. These bones, joints, and other tissues, both big and small, seem to be among...

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Five Rules for Building Muscle

One of the primary cited goals fitness clients have is to build more muscle. After all, the benefits of resistance training and adding lean tissue are limitless and benefit us not only physically,...

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Understanding Transversospinales: The Deep Intrinsic Muscles of the Back

The deep intrinsic muscles are located beneath the erector spinae, and are known collectively as the transversospinales. They are a group of short muscles, associated with the transverse and spinous processes of the vertebral column that primarily support the segments of the spine and serve as proprioceptors. Personal trainers who want to go deeper into their anatomy knowledge and application should read on.

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