Clients who incorporate running into their workout programs may get burned out from the sheer monotony. Retro-running, or running backward, can interject some variety, whether clients are prepping...
Sport Specific Training
Articles that address concepts relevant for specific sports or activities that may help personal trainers plan for athletic clients.
Indoor Rowing for Fitness Clients
Advances in technology and publicity have added to a growing awareness of the superb stamina and strength activity via the notoriety of "ERG" CrossFit workouts of the day (WoD) and CrossFit World...
Seven Lifts to Include in a Soccer Program
Yesterday's blog addressed the specific approaches personal trainers can take for programming periodization for soccer players. Now that you're familiar with the how, let's talk about the what. Here...
Soccer Programming for Athletes
For soccer players, building strength is a key part of improving and being successful in their sport. In fact, the importance of strength in the sport cannot be overstated as it underpins all the...
Top Five Agility Drills for Soccer Players
Soccer is a game that is heavily reliant on the ability to change positions quickly and efficiently. Since the game is not a unidirectional sport, the importance of training physical qualities like...
Developing Martial Arts Skills
Personal trainers may encounter a vast array of clients with even more varied backgrounds and skillsets. At some point, a martial art practitioner may solicit you for guidance to either prevent...
Tips for Combining Strength and Cycling
Combining two seemingly different workouts may appear daunting to some fitness clients at first glance, but for cyclists who want to go beyond speed, strength workouts can help them up your game....
Fitness World Records
Great workout programming usually consists of a fair amount of foundational strength and mobility practices mixed with a bit of challenging exercise. For clients who are training for a sport or an...
Ground Reaction Force and Running Form
Running is a popular form of exercise and an effective way for our clients to boost cardiovascular fitness. However, it is associated with a higher risk of overuse injury than other forms of aerobic...
Mighty Warriors of Muay Thai
The ancient martial art of Muay Thai, practiced the world over, definitely qualifies as a most intense exercise experience. Learn what this powerful sport entails, so that you may present a clear...