Last week I briefly touched on the importance of keeping up with the times in this industry. I gave you a small bit of information about NFPT adapting to the web as soon as we could. This week I...
Marketing for Personal Trainers
Blog articles and tips on marketing for personal trainers and fitness professionals written by other fitpros.
Keeping Up With The Times
One of the most difficult things about owning and running a business for 25 years is keeping up with the changes. Not just in your business or our industry, but change in our culture as a whole....
Marketing with a Long-Term Strategy
In order to have your fitness business succeed for any length of time, you need some good planning. One thing that I cannot stress enough is looking at your marketings' long-term strategy. If you...
Marketing Your Personal Training Business for 25 Years
It is an entrepreneurial feat when a business survives for 25 years! NFPT has come a long way from when I first had a vision for a practical PT certification. One of the biggest things that has...
The Most Important Traits of a Personal Trainer Entrepreneur
This is our last week for breaking out our Characteristics of Personal Training Entrepreneurs list. What are the most important traits to have as a personal trainer entrepreneur? Here are our top...
Traits of Successful Fitness Business Entrepreneurs
Last week we discussed how Communication is Key for Fitness Business Owners. This week we dive into four more Characteristics of Personal Training Entrepreneurs. In order for a fitness business to...
Communication is Key for Fitness Business Owners
Last week we talked about four of our Characteristics of Personal Training Entrepreneurs. This week, we’re discussing four more of them. These are focused on how fitness professionals communicate...
Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs
Starting a personal training business is no easy task. It takes a certain type of person to even begin to think of owning a business. Last week’s blog post listing characteristics of successful PT...
Characteristics of Personal Training Entrepreneurs
Becoming an entrepreneur is not for everyone. It is hard work that takes a lot of creativity, planning and maybe even a certain personality. Before opening up your own gym or fitness facility, it is...
Starting a Fitness Business With No Money
Starting any sort of small business is a difficult endeavor. It takes dedication, hard work, and determination. It also takes money. In this post, we'll look at how to do this with as little money...