Training Concepts

Personal training concepts are addressed and explored to help personal trainers better understand how to program for clients.

Understanding the Vastus Muscles

The quadriceps femoris muscles (quads) are the most voluminous muscles in the body— the quad muscles together contain more mass than any other muscle group— the general population knows where their...

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VO2 Max for Healthspan

Regardless of what a client's focus is for fitness, personal trainers can and should stress the importance of sustaining and building cardiorespiratory and cardiovascular capacity. Let's discuss how...

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Olympic Weightlifting Methods

Olympic Weightlifting Methods

When trainers hear about Olympic weightlifting they immediately think of two things: either taking a loaded barbell and ripping it off the floor in one violent motion with minimal technique, or that the lifts are detrimental and deleterious to the health and well being of the person doing the lifts. These two assumptions highlight a vast miscomprehension of Olympic weightlifting.


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