Bioenergetics is a complex branch of biochemistry that focuses on how cells transform energy, often by producing, storing, or consuming adenosine triphosphate (ATP), or put more simply, the study of...
Exercise Science, Biology, and Research
Health and fitness articles for personal trainers rooted in exercise science, biology, anatomy, physiology, health psychology
The Power of Endorphins
Runner's "high" is so-called because of the euphoria associated with the release of feel-good chemicals in the brain, of which endorphins are one category. From a biological standpoint, the...
Proper Warm-up and Movement Prep: The Warm-Up IS the Workout for Personal Training Clients
For many of our personal training clients, the one area of training that should not be overlooked or undervalued is the warm-up. When everyone feels pressed for time, the warm-up is easy to dismiss...
Blood Pressure and Personal Training Clients: Why We Should Measure It and How
As a certified personal trainer, you may be expected to take blood pressure readings of new clients during an initial assessment. If you have a private studio or work as an independent contractor...
Hormones and Obesity: How Does Satiety Affect Weight?
Obesity ranks as one of the most serious public health challenges today. Despite the best efforts of fitness/nutrition professionals, as many as 1.6 billion adults currently fit the medical...
Understanding Hip Flexion
Hip flexion happens every time you step, squat, sit, and revolve on a bike. Another way to describe this is when the knee comes toward the chest. A technical definition might say hip flexion happens...
Is Lactic Acid an Energy Boost or Drain?
All personal trainers and their clients should be familiar with what the "burn" associated with repetitive or intense activity feels like. Historically, the blame for such discomfort fell on the...
Why is it Important to Improve Hand Dexterity?
Personal trainers spend a lot of time with clients strengthening arms, legs, and core, working on flexibility, and building cardio stamina. It may be easy to overlook the hands since they are being...
4 Ways to Energize Fitness Clients
Training sessions can do a lot of things for our clients. We show them how to gain strength, become more flexible, build confidence, develop better posture, and increase mobility. We are able to...
Is Athleticism Genetic?
Is athleticism genetic? We often use the phrase “natural-born athlete” to describe one who excels in sports. While genetics does play a role, let's discuss what else creates a distinction between a...