Each training client is a unique athlete with personal aspirations and achievements. It is thus fitting to address each client's view on lifespan vis a vis healthspan. Getting "older" relates to...
Health Behaviors and Psychology
Fitness articles related to health behaviors and psychology as it relates to motivation, sports psychology and other factors affecting wellness.
Bio-Banding In Youth Sports: Prioritizing Ability Over Age
As coaches and trainers, many of us work with adolescents who show promising athletic prowess. We must take into account, however, that human development falls on a continuum; as such, not all...
Mindset Matters: Harnessing Positive Thinking for Better Health Outcomes
Preparing an effective training session requires carefully considering movement patterns, rep counts, number of sets, and other physical considerations; however, establishing a healthy and positive...
How Fitness Clients Misjudge Future Gym Commitment
Whenever we are approached by a new client, the level of motivation they have for committing to exercise is likely quite high--at that moment. But, as many trainers will discover, motivation and...
Exercise and Autism: A Positive Impact on Behavior
Autism refers to the complexity of neurobiological development disorders. Affecting 1% of the population within this continent, many experts consider it among the most serious of all mental health...
4 Ways to Interrupt Coronasomnia
The COVID virus itself can cause insomnia during an active fever and coughing period but should resolve in a few weeks. Insomnia caused by concerns around the pandemic itself is a different issue...
The Nocebo Effect
We've all heard of the placebo effect, but how familiar are you with the nocebo effect? The placebo effect is a common term that we come across in studies done to test the response of patients to an...
Promoting a Growth Mindset: Helping Fitness Clients Achieve and Succeed
Most trainers have encountered a client who outwardly appeared to have all the ability and desire needed to achieve their personal goals and aspirations, yet didn’t live up to the expected level....
Four Sleep Travel Tips
Vacation and sleep seem to be a perfect pair. Except when noisy hotels and time zone changes get in the way of rest and relaxation. It is possible to sleep well when traveling. Just share these...
Soda Addiction: How to Break the Cycle
When working with clients, personal trainers are likely to come up against lifestyle habits that need to change, one of which is very problematic and difficult to quit: Soft drink consumption. Those...