Every year, more and more seniors are starting to exercise regularly. This is a great thing as we know exercise can improve mobility, balance, strength, coordination, and decrease the risk of...
Health Behaviors and Psychology
Fitness articles related to health behaviors and psychology as it relates to motivation, sports psychology and other factors affecting wellness.
How Fit Pros Can Leverage Commitment Devices to Promote Healthy Behaviors
Committing to a healthy lifestyle delivers its obvious benefits that most won't argue with, yet most of our fitness clients wrestle with this commitment daily. Exercising and eating well generally...
Tackling Fall Time Change and Sleep Habits
Clock time is changed by one hour, twice a year in 70 countries and most of the states in the U.S. By turning the clocks back one hour in the fall, we get more light in the morning, but less in the...
Cardiovascular and Respiratory Disease: How Personal Trainers Can Help
Exercise may feel difficult or even scary for individuals with cardiovascular and respiratory disease or problems. As personal trainers, you may have questions about how frequently a client with...
The Adonis Complex: Male Physiques and Muscle Dysmorphia
Can the drive for extreme muscularity turn into an unhealthy obsession? “The Adonis Complex”, aptly named after the Greek mythological character whose body was said to represent the ideal standard...
Shift Work and Health Effects
Stomach problems, ulcers, depression and an increased risk of accidents and injury are just a few issues facing the 8.6 million shift workers in the U.S., according to Web MD. Working overnight or...
How to Improve Lifespan and Healthspan
Each training client is a unique athlete with personal aspirations and achievements. It is thus fitting to address each client's view on lifespan vis a vis healthspan. Getting "older" relates to...
Bio-Banding In Youth Sports: Prioritizing Ability Over Age
As coaches and trainers, many of us work with adolescents who show promising athletic prowess. We must take into account, however, that human development falls on a continuum; as such, not all...
Mindset Matters: Harnessing Positive Thinking for Better Health Outcomes
Preparing an effective training session requires carefully considering movement patterns, rep counts, number of sets, and other physical considerations; however, establishing a healthy and positive...
How Fitness Clients Misjudge Future Gym Commitment
Whenever we are approached by a new client, the level of motivation they have for committing to exercise is likely quite high--at that moment. But, as many trainers will discover, motivation and...