With gym closures and social distancing protocols in place nationwide, worldwide, working out at home has become the only solution. Virtual fitness classes and living room push-ups have...
Health Behaviors and Psychology
Fitness articles related to health behaviors and psychology as it relates to motivation, sports psychology and other factors affecting wellness.
Deprivation Versus Discipline and Sustained Weight Loss
Successful and sustainable weight loss is a long-term process. A personal training client must choose every day to engage in the behaviors that will lead them to their goals, and they must continue...
Live Out Loud as an Exclamation, Not an Explanation
“Live your life as an exclamation, not an explanation.” Attitude is everything when it comes to success, especially with goals and behavior. Throughout our daughters’ upbringing, especially during...
Energy Management: Cognitive Techniques for Three Client Energy Types
Many people struggle with energy imbalances that keep them from functioning optimally, especially when it comes to exercise. I'm not just talking about caloric energy imbalances, but boredom,...
Four Crucial Tips for Sustainable Weight Loss
It is a difficult endeavor to lose weight, and even more difficult to maintain progress after the goal has been met. Clients are often outcome-focused rather than behavior-focused. The health and...
Mindful Eating 101
Helping our clients develop skillsets to adopt healthy lifestyle habits is within the purvue of health coaching and personal training. The practice of mindful eating is one of those skills we can...
Are Your Clients Sabotaging Their Fitness Efforts?
Most fitness clients have loosely defined, but well-intended, fitness goals that they hope to reach by working with a personal trainer. These goals are often centered on losing weight, building...
Words Have Power: Enhance Trainer-Client Relationships With Better Word Choices
If we don't stop and think about the words we speak or even write, we may inflict harm we don't intend to, especially with regard to our clients' bodies and self-image. Words have power, and we can...
Mind, Body, Spirit: Breathwork and Meditation Anchor Overall Wellness
We are a large community of coaches who adopt different approaches and each offering a different primary focus. We all interconnect fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle into our practices. As varying...
What Comes After Weight Loss? Yo-Yo Dieting and Weight Maintenance Considerations
Many clients are caught in a cycle of losing and gaining weight, also called yo-yo dieting, making weight maintenance a major hurdle. Yo-yo dieting can be defined as cycles of short term weight loss...