Do you want to promote your personal training business or talk to people in the industry you'd otherwise never meet? Understanding and getting comfortable with Twitter isn’t as complicated as it...
Personal Training Business
Blog articles addressing topics relevant for personal training business and marketing concepts.
Protect Your Business with Personal Trainer Legal Forms
Legal forms can easily distance you and your personal training businesses from potential liability. Forms like releases and waivers are contracts that contain exculpatory clauses or provisions that...
Blog Writing for the Time-Crunched Personal Trainer
Writing a fitness blog or newsletter for your personal training business is a trending communication method right now. What’s more is they’re a great way to stay connected to your clientele (actual...
Write Your Own Fitness eBook
There are a few different ways that trainers can add a secondary income to give themselves more freedom, time, and money. With an Info product like an eBook, a personal trainer can leverage their...
How to Make a Fitness Video that Holds Attention
Do you want to create fitness videos that get and hold attention? Here are three things you can do before you even film that will help you create videos that keep clients seeking your content again...
Insurance and Liability Proper Exercise Form Doesn’t Always Protect Your Job
Protecting your clients is your job. Even when you're doing your best, blame can be placed unfairly. The most common type of lawsuit a trainer will face is failure to instruct. This essentially is a...
Personal Training Pricing: Applying Good Better Best
Good, Better, Best is a multilevel offering sales technique where you present the client with three package offers. Each package is a step up in both quality and in price. This gives a potential...
4 Personal Training Package Pricing Ideas
Sometimes you get a new client like Jim and all the signals point towards go! Jim is motivated and expresses determination to reach his fitness goals. As a bonus, one of your other clients referred...
Boost Your Sales With Good Better Best
You can be the best Personal Trainer in the world but skill alone will not pay your bills. You need to be able to close sales and get new clients. Unless you are a professional athlete or celebrity,...
Tax Planning For Personal Trainers: Getting Organized
If you're an independent contractor or business owner then by now you probably know you have to file your own taxes each year. It can be a pain, but has it's perks. Tax Write Offs For Personal...