Squats are not one-size-fits-all when it comes to creating the apple bottom clients are vying for. Each position has a purpose that goes beyond simply adding variety to a workout. When you alter the...
Certified Personal Trainers
Access articles for established certified personal trainers to assist in their fitness training programming.
Exercises for Strong Legs and Healthy Knees
Program both open and closed kinetic chain movements for your clients so they get a variety of movements that mimic activities of daily living and sports. Also, well-rounded knee strength. Squats...
Posterior Tibialis Anatomy Function and Exercise
Identify the location of posterior tibialis and cue ankle and foot exercises more effectively with clients. Hopefully, you are doing foot and ankle exercises with clients. If so, you are awesome! If...
Knee Anatomy Structure and Injuries
For decades the leg extension, squat, leg press and lunge have all been used by general fitness clients, rehab patients and elite athletes alike without much on the side of specific research to help the fitness coach in determining which exercise to use or recommend for a specific goal or need. To understand the concepts and summaries of this article let’s start by taking an in-depth look at the internal components of the knee.
12 Common Exercise Form Mistakes
Many people hire a trainer to avoid making mistakes which can lead to injury. Call it what you want - exercise form, correcting mistakes, cueing, etc. Form cues are an essential component of...
Anterior Tibialis Anatomy Function and Exercise
Identify the location of anterior tibialis and cue ankle and foot exercises more effectively with clients. I hope you are working your clients ankles and feet. The feet are the first part of the...
Meniscus Anatomy and Injuries
As a fitness trainer or coach, you will undoubtedly have to create an exercise program around aching knees for many of your clients because a large percent of the world's population has or will have...
How to Use Guided Imagery with Fitness Clients
The mind-body connection is well established. Learn how to use guided imagery in individual and group sessions to improve client's focus and performance. Mind-body exercise such as yoga, meditation,...
Squat Progression: Barbell Back Squat
Back (barbell) squats are a great progression because they build leg and hip strength, promote full body mobility and stability, increase core strength, and burn fat. Are your clients ready to add...
Testosterone Boosting Workout Plan
“Low-T”? There’s a workout for that! Testosterone is a steroid hormone that encourages the development of lean muscle mass and bone density. Naturally, finding ways to boost production of this...