Although both swimming practices and competitions take place in aquatic environs, dryland training can provide substantial benefits for dedicated swimmers. Resistance exercises can aid in building...
Certified Personal Trainers
Access articles for established certified personal trainers to assist in their fitness training programming.
Melatonin: Hormone or Supplement
Melatonin is both a hormone found in the body and a supplement that can be taken orally. The human body produces melatonin deep inside the brain and there are ways to support its production and...
“Anti-Core” Training: The Importance of Stabilizing the Spine
Anti-core training may not only help you but also your clients improve spinal stability and athletic performance. In order to better understand the concept of the core, let's first define what is...
TVA and IO Muscles: The Internal Safety Belt
Although Rectus Abdominus (RA) muscles are sought for aesthetic and athletic appeal, they do not reign supreme when it comes to core stability and strength. RA by definition are superficial muscles...
Enhance Muscular Strength with Krill Oil
Omega-3 fatty acids offer a cornucopia of health benefits, including anti-inflammatory properties, improvements in joint pain, better brain health, and improved cardiac function. Still, 98% of all...
Should Eating Disorder Treatment Include Exercise?
Despite the fact that exercise may improve a range of biopsychosocial outcomes in patients with eating disorders (ED), exercise does not figure prominently, if at all, as a currently established...
The Up and Downsides of Social Media
Oh, social media, how I love and despise you in equal measure. Social media provides just as many benefits as it does barriers or downsides. Let's take a closer look at them both. Social Media...
Bootcamp Workout Idea: The “10 to 1”
When it comes to running a Bootcamp, it's common for the instructor to refer to the traditional formats - either a traditional circuit or a HIIT class. Now both of these formats are great but...
Zinc Can Add a Zing To Building Muscle
In the world of fitness, we can cover topics from A to Z, starting with Aerobic exercises and ending with the focus of today’s article, Zinc. Learn how to help clients boost their workouts – and...
Body pH: How to Obtain Optimal Health Balancing Acid and Alkaline Foods
The body is a complex machine, with so much chemistry and physiology involved in its optimal performance (or lack thereof) the average person would be hard-pressed to comprehend it all, let alone...