Injury Prevention and Treatment

Health and fitness articles to help personal trainers employ injury prevention and treatment approaches.

Client Pain: More Than a Sensation

Client Pain: More Than a Sensation

We certified personal trainers can be resourceful listeners and agents to help our older clients address both pain dimensions (yes there are two: sensory and emotional). Pain comes from the Latin...

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Cryotherapy for Athletes

Cryotherapy for Athletes

There are so many options available these days to help optimize recovery from training and injuries. Some are grounded in research and some have been around "forever." It can be very hard to...

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Body Awareness: Active Hands

The quality of training sessions considerably rises when the client begins to think about how they're moving rather than just doing it. Teaching body awareness is just as integral as teaching a...

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Acupuncture and Athletes

As a fit pro, I'm always looking for options my clients can use to keep them in great health in order to reach their fitness and wellness goals. I've recently started officially studying Acupuncture...

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What Are Trigger Points?

There exists as a ubiquitous part of the human condition a vicious cycle of myofascial pain and compensation that is self-perpetuating and inescapable, and quite relevant to the job of a fitness...

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