In the world of health and fitness, we often hear the words, “log your food” or “journal your day,” as they can make a notable difference. When done consciously and with the intention of...
Health Behaviors and Psychology
Fitness articles related to health behaviors and psychology as it relates to motivation, sports psychology and other factors affecting wellness.
Reiki for Exercise and Injury
Reiki, a form of energy work performed by a certified practitioner, may be much more versatile than most of us think. It can be applied to many areas where promoting healing and rejuvenation are...
Motivational Messaging: Five Things Fitness Professionals Should Probably Stop Saying
As trainers, we are constantly looking for ways to encourage and motivate our clients, and one of the most common ways we do this is with our words. But, what if our words have the opposite effect...
5 Tactics to Get Fitness Clients Excited to Move
Motivation changes from day-to-day. Our clients (and we) all experience dips in motivation and there are days we just “don’t feel it”. That’s ok. It’s normal. What is also normal is to expect that a...
Diet Culture Lies Debunked
Diet culture is loud. It’s pervasive. It’s promoted and celebrated by individuals who are (mostly) not heavily credentialed and who make a linear connection between weight and health. As...
Decisions, Decisions: Making Decisions About Health and Fitness
In the realm of fitness and wellness, much of our new clients' judgment may rely on anecdotal evidence, celebrity marketing influence, short/long-term goals, and popular slogans that have woven...
Muscle Memory
What happens when you repeat a pattern over a span of time, be it a movement or even a thought? Does that pattern become a habit or does it eventually become unconscious? Let’s take a look at what...
What is Moxibustion?
Moxibustion is a form of Chinese medicine that’s been around for thousands of years. Yet, many people may not be as familiar with moxibustion as they are with acupuncture, despite it'...
Replacing Screen Time with Relaxing Bedtime Activities
This one single sleep habit can significantly improve your clients' daytime energy (as it is influenced by night sleep), which equates to more motivation for exercise and to eat well! As a bonus,...
Being Consistent In Exercise: How Personal Trainers Emphasize the Importance of Consistency
Every personal trainer knows unequivocally that being consistent in exercise and diet is most likely to produce desirable results. As obvious as this may be to us, don't mistakenly assume your...