Reiki, a form of energy work performed by a certified practitioner, may be much more versatile than most of us think. It can be applied to many areas where promoting healing and rejuvenation are required, such as emotional and even physical injury. Surprisingly, Reiki may also improve motivation, creativity, and productivity.
That all sounds pretty amazing, doesn’t it? And when it comes to exercise and sports injuries, Reiki hasn’t gotten nearly enough love. Not only has it been shown to speed healing and recovery, but it can also enhance performance and reduce the risks of future injuries.
Here’s a deeper look at the benefits of Reiki for exercise and sports-related injuries. You just might be surprised to hear how useful it can be!
What is Reiki, Anyway?
Reiki is a form of energy healing conceived in Japan in the 1920s, designed to bring balance and wellbeing to the recipient. It has a supportive nature that makes it a fantastic complementary practice to almost anything you are already incorporating into your self-care routine or wellness regimen.
For example, Reiki is a popular accompaniment to acupuncture for lower back pain. Or it can be used in conjunction with conventional treatments for mental and physical illness. It may even reduce the negative side effects that sometimes come with prescription medication.
Reiki is a deeply restorative practice that releases energetic blockages, tension, and toxins throughout the body. At first glance, Reiki looks a lot like massage, but it’s actually quite different. Rather than manipulating muscles, this healing energy practice promotes holistic healing for the mind and body.
From a scientific point of view, Reiki has a positive and immediate effect on heart rate variability, cortisol level, and body temperature. It is believed to jumpstart the body’s natural healing process by producing changes in vibrational frequency that stimulate a physical response in the body.
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How Does Reiki Support Exercise?
Reiki can be used as a supportive training aid for a consistent exercise routine. Not only can it help to boost overall performance, but it can also be used as a tool to promote healing in new or old injuries.
Here are some of the many ways Reiki can benefit your exercise regimen:
- Lowers the risk of severe injury
- Promotes focus and concentration
- Centers the mind
- Relieves sore, stiff muscles
- Speeds post-workout recovery
- Promotes healing in new and old injuries
- Reduces healing time and relieves discomfort during the healing
- Supports a feeling of calm, positive mental outlook, and a winning frame of mind
- Re-energizes the body and relieves fatigue
Reiki for Injury Prevention and Healing
Sports injuries are common due to poor form and overuse, and will present untold challenges to any serious athlete. Regular sessions can lower one’s risk of becoming injured by increasing awareness and even stamina.
Most athletes will agree that recovery is the key to success. Reiki doesn’t just tackle the pain associated with an injury; it also addresses the root cause. Once the root cause has been resolved, the body can recover from the imbalance and heal naturally.
You might also think of Reiki as a preparatory and preventive therapy for reducing the physical stress of high-intensity exercise; it helps speed recovery and healing. And the benefits don’t end there.
In addition to injury prevention and speeding recovery from previous injuries, Reiki is also an excellent therapy for new sports injuries. It can be used anywhere and is incredibly versatile, whether you’re dealing with swelling, headaches, sprains, or minor wounds.
Reiki can even be applied to broken bones once they’ve been set, speeding healing and making the entire process more comfortable. It can also help the athlete cope with stress related to injuries or competition, promoting a sense of calm and inner harmony.
What to Expect During a Reiki Session
During a Reiki session, the client remains fully clothed and lies on a comfortable massage table with support under the knees to prevent stress on the lower back. Extra blankets and pillows are also made available for comfort.
The session usually begins with the patient facing up, moving to face down about halfway through the session. The Reiki practitioner places his or her hand over strategic locations on the body to direct energy flow to the organs, endocrine system, and chakras.
The average Reiki session lasts for around 60-90 minutes. The setting is arranged to promote feelings of calm and relaxation. The client is invited to relax and takes a break from day-to-day stress and tension.
Many clients fall asleep or enter a deeply meditative state during a session. This further promotes the healing and restorative effects of Reiki. Taking things slow for at least an hour after the session is recommended. A leisurely walk or gentle yoga session are good ways to transition into the rest of your day.
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