Many personal training clients and fitness enthusiasts are compelled to embrace the great outdoors by embarking on a camping, hiking, or even rucking endeavlor. Here's how to advise them to be...
CEC Articles
Category for NFPT CEC articles (continuing education credits) containing information for NFPT-certified personal trainers to earn CECs.
Which is Better: Isolated or Functional Exercise? Part 2 of 2
In Part One, I talked about Functional Exercise. Click Here if you need to catch up. Now, it’s time to explore Isolated Exercise. The leg curl (hamstring) machine at the gym or the adductor (inner...
Recognizing Reliability
Saint Louis in proud of many things: the Gateway Arch, toasted ravioli, Provel cheese, and especially the highly acclaimed Washington University School of Medicine. So much knowledge and experience...
Which is Better: Isolated or Functional Exercise? Part 1 of 2
You've got 600 muscles in your body and learn about 100 of them when getting personal training certified. Which ones do you remember? Biceps, Hamstrings, Triceps? Those are common ones. For a...
Training for Health or the ‘Love of the Game’ and HIIT
The purpose of this article is threefold, (1) to help you recognize the reason that you exercise, whether it is for your health or the love of a sport; (2) the type of exercise for the health...
Two for the (Healthier) Road
The decision to get into better shape is often a highly personal one. But according to the results of a new study, people tend to more successful when starting healthy habits if their partner makes...
Preventing Back Muscle Imbalances
Most people have felt pain or stiffness in the lower back at some point. Many know the feeling of tension and tightness in the neck and trapezius muscles – muscles that are far apart and...
Strength Training for a Healthier You!
Strength training is an important part of any exercise program. Strength training refers to strengthening and conditioning the overall body in terms of muscular balance. Strength training...
Anxiety Management: Coping Strategies to Benefit Overall Health
“You cannot change the wind, but you can adjust your sails.” In today’s fast-paced and often overscheduled world, stress of various kinds seems to be literally woven into the tapestry of our...
Facts on Body Fat, Pt. 2
As discussed earlier fat cells serve a purpose to capture excess lipids from the plasma and liver. Fat cells also serve as repositories for toxins. A group of toxins that are ubiquitous in our...