Pucker Up: The Benefits of Tart Cherry Juice
The use of tart cherry (TC) juice seems to have experienced a surge in popularity, within the general public as well as elite athletic circles. Over the last decade, researchers have begun to investigate cherry juice's potential effects on such varied parameters as...
Supplemental Power: Choosing the Best Protein for Your Needs
Protein ranks number one in terms of nutrients essential for maintaining...
Steroids and Diabetes: The Potentially Lethal Duo
In almost all gyms and fitness centers across the country, trainers will find...
Exercise Science
Adapting Personal Training Styles for Clients with Special Needs
Creating an effective exercise routine for any client who falls into the...
Can Supplemental Beta-Alanine Boost Endurance?
Beta-alanine, a non-essential amino acid naturally produced in the body, also...

Biohacking Offers a Pathway to Achieving Personal Goals
Biohacking, an emerging term and trend these days, refers to incremental shifts we can make in...

New Year Resolutions ~Using Behavioral Psychology to Boost Client Adherence and Motivation
Decades of research on what defines success in terms of adherence to a medication schedule...

Discerning Disordered Eating from Eating Disorders
It’s not uncommon for fitness professionals to encounter clients struggling with disordered eating...

Can Technology Replace Humans? Pro’s, Cons and Ethics in the Fitness Industry
As we discussed in a recent article, the advent of fitness-related wearable technology seems to...

Understanding Diet Basics to Cut Clients’ Confusion, Part One
Personal trainers should know the basics of the most typical diets to guardrail their clients and...

Resistance Training for Longevity: Programming for Diverse Client Populations
Resistance training lies at the heart of long-term health and vitality, as emphasized throughout...

The Future of Fitness: Eyes Open to Emerging Trends and Technologies
We all recall the images and stories surrounding fitness pioneer Jack LaLanne. In his day, staying...

Steroids and Diabetes: The Potentially Lethal Duo
In almost all gyms and fitness centers across the country, trainers will find individuals who...

Modifications to Contraindicated Exercises: Playing It Safe in the Gym
Many of the traditional exercises which we either learned en route to getting certified, or along...

GLP-1 and Exercise: What Personal Trainers Need to Know
Personal trainers are likely to work with clients both on and prescribed the medication, and thus,...

Readjusting the Scales: Striking a Balance Between Body Neutrality and Body Positivity
At this time of year, many individuals begin thinking of getting into better shape to kick off the...

Strength in Balance: Innovative Techniques to Enhance Stability and Prevent Injuries
Image Options: 109497998 174949772 194667969 43951860 180638554 We require a stable sense of...