Disturbed sleep is a common pregnancy-related issue experienced by 78% of pregnant women. If your client is not getting enough sleep, it leads to other issues that could make her pregnancy uncomfortable and almost unbearable. Plus, immunity weakens, concentration becomes more difficult, and moods fluctuate when sleep deprived. Help your pregnant clients learn about better sleep during pregnancy with this information. Some of these tips are useful for all your clients.

What Causes Disturbed Sleep in Pregnant Women?

Before you can find out how to sleep better during your pregnancy, you should first try to identify the actual cause of the problem. Some of the most common reasons pregnant women experience sleeping issues are:

1. Frequent urination. As mentioned earlier, pregnancy makes it harder for women to control their bladder. So they have to get up frequently in the middle of the night to relieve themselves. This broken sleep pattern can result in tiredness and irritability.

2. Emotional turbulence. Pregnancy is an exciting period in a woman’s life. Sometimes you may become over-excited at the idea of having a new baby or you may even become anxious about all the things that could go wrong. This can prevent you from falling asleep and getting the rest that you so badly need.

3. Physical discomfort. One of the most common causes of disturbed sleep in pregnant women is physical pain and discomfort. Back pain, pain around the pelvic region, the strain on the hips, etc. are some common issues women experience during pregnancy. If this pain or discomfort gets too severe, it could keep you awake at night.

How to Get Better Sleep

While there’s not much you can do about the frequent urination, you can make a few changes to help you sleep better. Here are a few tips to help you out:

1. Get comfortable. Comfort is a major factor for restful sleep. If you’re sleeping comfortably, you’ll find it easier to fall asleep and sleep undisturbed for longer periods of time. But it may be much more difficult to sleep comfortably due to the physical pain and discomfort you’re experiencing. So the best thing you can do is invest in specialized sleeping solutions for pregnant women such as a pregnancy pillow. These pillows are designed to support your body at all the right places so you suffer from less discomfort while sleeping in the most comfortable position.

2. Relax before bedtime. You’ll find it much easier to fall asleep when you’ve been relaxing for a few minutes before going to bed. Avoid having any kind of caffeine and cut down on sugar as these can make it difficult for you to relax. Instead, treat yourself to a warm bath or ask your partner for a gentle massage before you go to bed.

There are tons of other ways you can improve the quality of your sleep during pregnancy. Check out the infographic for a more comprehensive guide to sleep during pregnancy.

pregnancy sleep infographic



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