Someone once explained Facebook as a 24/7 business-networking luncheon. It is perfectly okay to introduce yourself to complete strangers. Picture going to a luncheon and only talking to people you know. You wouldn’t get much new business this way. You’ve just defeated the purpose of the luncheon. And the purpose of Facebook!

The best way to start socializing with people is through your statuses. You can post different things to your “Wall” and your fans will be able to see what you’ve posted and respond. The key is to get them to respond so you can respond back. The purpose is to have an actual conversation. 

Great ways to get a conversation going on your Facebook page include:

  • Asking questions
  • Sharing relevant news
  • Sharing interesting links
  • Encourage “shares”, “likes”, and “comments”
  • Ask what your fans want to hear about and implement it
  • And most importantly…interact! Comment on what others are saying and they will hopefully comment back

Great job! You are building relationships. Now for the hard part. You need to maintain them.

Relationships are not just about sales. If I were to view my relationship with my wife like this, our marriage would not last long! She would realize I’m only coming to her because I want something. Very soon she would not feel cared for and go somewhere she would feel cared for. It is about a connection between your business and your clients. Your relationship with your clients needs to be maintained and cared for. Just like my relationship with my wife.

  • Update regularly. There are 2 billion posts “liked” and “commented” on daily.
  • Give them what they want. Write about what they are asking about.
  • Run a contest or a giveaway. Whether its content or products, everyone loves free.
  • Don’t just push and persuade for sales. Inform your audience. Provide resources and tips that benefit your target audience.

Next Monday we will see how to optimize your time on Twitter. And make sure to stop by our Facebook page and have a conversation with us!

Ryan Farrell started working with the National Federation of Professional Trainers (NFPT) in 2012. As NFPT's Marketing Coordinator, Ryan is responsible for aiding company reputation by building brand awareness and establishing strong working relationships among NFPT, its affiliates and industry partners.