"If you aren't networking than you're not working". This old saying is a tongue twister and kind of cheesy, but it's true. Personal training is a people business and requires you to connect with...
Personal Training Business
Blog articles addressing topics relevant for personal training business and marketing concepts.
5 Reasons Personal Trainers Quit
Are we no longer living the dream? We’ve all heard about, or witnessed, the high attrition rate among personal trainers and fitness instructors. We know the many reasons people study for...
Where are the Jobs for Personal Trainers? Part 1
So, where is the work? The answer to that question is super important to those looking to start a career in personal training, as well as current trainers who are looking for career growth or...
7 Easy Ways to Be a Professional Personal Trainer
Whether you're newly certified or have been personal training for awhile, you can easily set yourself apart from the competition with professionalism. Many people get into the fitness industry...
Getting (Even More) Personal Via YouTube
It seems lately that online workout videos are picking up serious steam. In my own real-life circles and along my social media timelines people are talking about and advertising streamed workouts....
Holding on to the Resolution Crowd
We’ve all heard the old adage that it’s easier to keep clients than find new ones. There is a short block of time after a New Year comes in, even as the confetti falls and fireworks still color the...
Building Community Through Social Media
I’ve seen a couple of great examples of fitness professionals using social media to build community. So great, in fact, that I’m compelled to write about them. We use social media to spread the word...
5 Reasons to have Personal Trainer Insurance
As a personal trainer, insurance is important! Here's 5 reasons to make sure you have your personal liability insurance squared away with NFPT and CPH. CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR FREE QUOTE!
Gift Giving for Personal Training Clients
Do you want to give your personal training clients gifts this holiday? Allow me to rephrase...do you want to retain your clients into the new year? What about attracting new clients? People have no...
Checklist For Starting a Personal Training Business
The lifestyle of a fitness entrepreneur can be both appealing and intimidating. It offers you the ability to make your own schedule and take time off when you need to. But, there is a lot to account...