Many of my clients ask me for basic nutritional guidance. Since I am a Certified Health Coach in addition to a Certified Personal Trainer, I try to guide them on a healthier path, and one that can...
Nutrition for Fitness Training
Diet and nutrition articles on topics relevant for certified personal trainers and their clients.
The Fruit Of Your Labor
If you happen to know any endurance athletes, such as runners or cyclists, you are already aware that much of their training table contains carbohydrates. These are the foods that will fuel the...
Recent Evidence-Based Nutritional Guidelines
There are general guidelines that Certified Personal Trainers should be aware of when it comes to nutritional recommendations to support increased physical activity. Recently, the Academy of...
The Post-Workout Fuel Puzzle–Shake It Up…Or Not?
Plenty of articles have been written by experts in the fitness industry stressing the importance of post-workout “fuel” as a complement to rigorous training. We try to pass some of this information...
A Simple Fruity Summer Salsa
Summer is heating up! You can usually find pre-made tomato salsa and mango salsa this time of year. Making them at home is fun, but why bother when it's done for you? Here's a summer salsa you...
Quick Fitness Tip: the summer mocktail
What's a mocktail? It's a cocktail that's been altered for contents but not for taste and enjoyment! Seltzer water with lime is the one you might be most familiar with. Snoozer! Don't worry, it...
Poorly Managed Protein Can Undo Your Goals
If your personal trainer, athletic coach, or dietitian has ever preached to you about the merits of protein in your diet, consider yourself to be in good hands. Most athletes, whether they consider...
When Can Personal Trainers Give Nutritional Advice?
When I first embarked upon the journey that would ultimately propel me to the competitive bodybuilding stage, there was quite a bit for a newbie like myself to learn about this exciting undertaking....
Breaking Food Addiction
Do you ever go out to eat and find that bread basket too irresistible to stay away from? What about the dessert table at the company picnic? Or a bag of potato chips to go with your sandwich at...
Emotional Awareness Could Lead to Healthier Eating Habits, Study Suggests
Placing an emphasis on mindful -- rather than mindless -- eating could lead to healthier eating habits, the authors of a new study suggest. The emotional aspect of eating – though widely recognized...