Fitness encompasses more than a woman’s physical body. It extends to her emotions, her spirit, and her unique definition of self. Women deserve to celebrate their lives at any age; however, when the...
Certified Personal Trainers
Access articles for established certified personal trainers to assist in their fitness training programming.
Sell Value, Not Time
If, as a personal trainer, you get caught up exclusively in selling one-hour packages instead of selling value and quality service, clients will ultimately suffer and so will you. Picture this: you...
Powering Through Perimenopause With Strength Training
Perimenopause, the transitional period before menopause, signals the lessening of estrogen levels in a female’s body. During this phase of life, which in some women can last for years,...
Trainers Can Go Beyond Exercise and Integrate the Pillars of Lifestyle Medicine into Client Workouts
Lifestyle medicine, a branch of evidence-based healthcare emphasizing disease prevention over curative medicine, seems greatly underemphasized in today’s Western medicine approach. Lifestyle...
Giving DNA its Due: Designing a Genetically-Based Workout Program
As personal trainers -- and those aspiring to the field -- surely know, every client with whom we interact deserves a personalized program in order to achieve results. The stepping stones on this...
Exercise Benefits for Clients with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition characterized by challenges in social interaction, communication, and repetitive behaviors. While there is no cure for autism,...
Beyond Bariatric Surgery: Re-Entering the Exercise Realm
Individuals who have undergone any type of bariatric surgery often have anxieties about beginning or resuming an exercise program. Here we address many of the common concerns as well as offer...
Are you Holistically Fit?
Holistic health reaches beyond the physical body, encompassing emotional, mental, social, spiritual, environmental, occupational, and intellectual health. A holistically healthy outlook views and...
Wellness and the Nootropic Brain Boost
From caffeinated coffee to ayurvedic herbs, nootropic substances keep popping up in relation to overall wellness. Here we shall delve into the topic, highlighting some of the more common nootropics...
Mycoprotein for Muscle Growth
The need for sustainable food proteins, a focal point of interest among agricultural scientists and health professionals for years, continues to spiral. As our global population enlarges, on target...