Many fitness enthusiasts in the course of their fitness journey eventually end up cursing everything from knees to toes. These bones, joints, and other tissues, both big and small, seem to be among...
Certified Personal Trainers
Access articles for established certified personal trainers to assist in their fitness training programming.
Seven Tips to Reduce Swelling After Running a Marathon
There’s no denying that the fitness prep for a marathon is challenging. However, often it’s the aftereffects of a race that catch up with a runner. As a personal trainer, it’s your job to help your...
Circuits, Combos, and Complexes: 3 Cs to Boost Clients’ Progress
Circuits, combos, and complexes, known as “the 3 C’s of metabolic training”, can be easily integrated into clients’ traditional workout programs. Learn more about these challenging moves and prepare...
What Fitness Pros Can Learn From Economics
As a trainer turned-behavioral economics-major, I’ve become increasingly aware of how economics applies to everything we do in the industry—and it can have a significant impact on our own financial...
Client Fitness Assessments: Charge or Not?
Approaches to fitness assessments are as varied as the individual assessments themselves. Every health and fitness professional will likely have their own approach to conducting fitness assessments...
Turning Client Objections into Opportunities
As fit pros, we've all read the part in the NFPT Personal Trainer manual that advises us on how to overcome client objections, right? If we are successful, we've honed these skills in the field and...
Fitness Age Gauges for Older Clients
Medicare-aged folks comprise a notable and possibly growing segment of our personal training clientele. Their calendar years may or may not reflect “gym or fitness age.”1 As our title includes...
Body Awareness: Active Hands
The quality of training sessions considerably rises when the client begins to think about how they're moving rather than just doing it. Teaching body awareness is just as integral as teaching a...
High Blood Sugar Lowers Aerobic Fitness
Although exercise is essential for good health, high blood glucose, or blood sugar, levels can undermine or even cancel out the benefits of aerobic exercise. Hyperglycemia and Workout Capacity...
What is Metabolic Age?
As health and fitness professionals, we spend a significant amount of time studying and discussing metabolism. To our clients, this simply means how many calories they burn a day at rest and during...