Certified Personal Trainers

Access articles for established certified personal trainers to assist in their fitness training programming.

Lower Leg Joint Anatomy

Many fitness enthusiasts in the course of their fitness journey eventually end up cursing everything from knees to toes. These bones, joints, and other tissues, both big and small, seem to be among...

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Fitness Age Gauges for Older Clients

Medicare-aged folks comprise a notable and possibly growing segment of our personal training clientele. Their calendar years may or may not reflect “gym or fitness age.”1 As our title includes...

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Body Awareness: Active Hands

The quality of training sessions considerably rises when the client begins to think about how they're moving rather than just doing it. Teaching body awareness is just as integral as teaching a...

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What is Metabolic Age?

As health and fitness professionals, we spend a significant amount of time studying and discussing metabolism. To our clients, this simply means how many calories they burn a day at rest and during...

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