Certified Personal Trainers

Access articles for established certified personal trainers to assist in their fitness training programming.

The Power of Endorphins

The Power of Endorphins

Runner's "high" is so-called because of the euphoria associated with the release of feel-good chemicals in the brain, of which endorphins are one category. From a biological standpoint, the...

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Understanding Hip Flexion

Understanding Hip Flexion

Hip flexion happens every time you step, squat, sit, and revolve on a bike. Another way to describe this is when the knee comes toward the chest. A technical definition might say hip flexion happens...

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Consequences of Zero Rest Days

Consequences of Zero Rest Days

Making progress is not about hustling all the time, never pressing pause, or having an infinite supply of willpower. In fact, this is the opposite of progress. It’s the grind that eventually...

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