Cellular energy is a must for athletic performance. Challenges to cellular energy include medications, work-every-day, and environmental toxins. Health depends on restoring cellular integrity and...
Articles focused on biological processes and physiology relevant for personal trainers and their clients.
How Exercise and Diet Influence Key Hormones and Metabolism
How physical activity and diet change our personal training clients' bodies is indeed top of mind in our industry. Low fat, low carbohydrate, high protein, aerobics, resistance training, etc. are...
AGEs and Glycation: How One Metabolic Process Can Impair Many Health Outcomes
The process of glycation (or, non-enzyme glycosylation) in the body may be an unfamiliar one to most fitness professionals, but one that impacts each of us, but to varying degrees. We can educate...
Grip Strength: The New Biomarker of Longevity and Quality of Life
Business professionals often equate a firm handshake with an individual’s level of confidence. Research now shows that a powerful grip also correlates to longevity. Learn how incorporating grip...
Hormones and Fitness: How Sex Hormones Influence Exercise
The relationship between hormones and fitness is complex and oft-ignored which may impact personal training client motivation and performance. Understanding it may help break through mysterious...

Beat the Heat! How the Body Handles High Temps
As heatwaves sweep across the US, marking the start of summer, I was kindly reminded by the 110+ degree weather outside (In SEATTLE, WA) that the body has some pretty cool features. Here is a quick...
Exercise and the Gastrointestinal System: How Digestion is Affected by Movement
Clients and athletes who experience diarrhea and/or other digestive problems after an intense training session often ask us the reason for this unpleasant intestinal interruption. Learn about the...
Encouraging Exercise with Chronic Kidney Disease
The association between physical exercise and the overall health of patients with chronic renal failure shows great promise. As a trainer, could you recognize whether a new client might suffer from...
Inflammation: Hero or Villain? (Or Both?)
Trainers must be aware of, and address both the hero and villain aspects of post-exercise inflammation, which we refer to as exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD). Among several points to be mindful...
How Nitric Oxide Improves Muscular Contractions
Though the exact method remains somewhat unclear, dietary nitrate (a source of nitric oxide or NO) appears to improve the contractile properties of human muscle. Find out how athletes utilize this...