The benefits of mindfulness infrequently require much repeating, but suffice it to say, they are far-reaching. How can personal trainers teach clients to marry mindfulness to their exercise...

Articles focused on biological processes and physiology relevant for personal trainers and their clients.
The benefits of mindfulness infrequently require much repeating, but suffice it to say, they are far-reaching. How can personal trainers teach clients to marry mindfulness to their exercise...
Clients seek out the expertise of personal trainers for a variety of reasons: to lose weight, increase strength, improve endurance, and often simply to feel “younger”. What if trainers could offer...
Sleep, although a natural process, is a really complex one, not always coming "naturally". In a well-performed musical, all the actors and actresses need to be in place, in tune, and organized for a...
The cardiovascular system is foundational to exercise, and our understanding as personal trainers of how it works and how things can go wrong is critical for the performance, success, and safety of...
Allergies affect approximately 20-40 million people each year. In this country alone, an estimated 15 million people live with asthma and its ensuing complications; sadly, this number continues to...
Prudent nutrition plays a key role in promoting personal training clients' hypertrophy, power, and strength when coordinated expertly with resistance training. If we take that concept and adjust it...
Regular exercise helps to maintain the proper functioning of every organ in the human body, largely by keeping obesity, cholesterol, and blood pressure in check. Since these rank among the top major...
Our cellular components and bodies inevitably become senescent, or in laymen’s terms – cells grow old. A client must practically find and drink from the proverbial "Fountain of Youth" to offset...
The branched-chain amino acid leucine, long considered the kingpin of essentials for muscular growth, recently came under attack by some scientists as potentially lessening one’s lifespan. Read more...
Materials in our environment can have an alarming impact on our health: our food, our water, even home and personal care products all might be altering us on the cellular level. Heavy metals and...