When a person loses weight, where, exactly, does the fat go? While that might sound like an elementary question, the results of a new study suggest that the answers given often vary widely, even...
Articles focused on biological processes and physiology relevant for personal trainers and their clients.
Work, Commute Times May Contribute to Sleep Deprivation, Study Finds
About one out of three workers in the United States gets less than six hours of sleep per night. A new study finds a primary cause of this sleep deprivation to be work itself. The primary role of...
Brain Mechanism Found that Drives Our Hunger for Sugar
It’s not uncommon for people to crave sweet foods. After all, sugar is what our bodies use for fuel. New research suggests that a mechanism in the brain might compel us to seek out foods high in...
Sleep Apnea Could Lower Aerobic Capacity
People with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) already experience difficulty in getting a good night’s rest, but they may also tend to take in less oxygen during waking activities such as exercise, a new...
More than One Way to Improve Cognitive Function through Exercise
It’s known that exercise makes us feel more mentally alert and sharp at any age. But is it necessary to follow a specific training regimen in order to achieve better cognitive function later in...
Endurance – not just a benefit of good cardio
Endurance is a theme for life...a theme for us all. For personal trainers, you know what endurance means when it comes to cardiovascular fitness. When an individual is well conditioned to maximally...
Use Your Step Counter App
Do you have one of those nifty step counter apps? Do you pay attention to it? Do you set a daily goal? If not, maybe you should. A group of researchers at the University of Missouri sought to...
The Reality of Reducing Body Fat
To say that Americans are preoccupied with losing weight is putting it mildly. Losing weight isn't hand, but even the most "experienced" losers often do not understand how to do so effectively and...
An Hour of Exercise a Day Could Keep Heart Failure Away
How much is one hour each day worth to you? What if that one hour were devoted to exercise, and that it could lower your risk of heart failure by almost 50 percent? According to the results of a new...
Sleep is Important for your Personal Training Clients
As many ambitious insomniacs have learned, working out in the evening makes most people too alert to sleep well. You need to schedule your workouts to be more in tune with your body's natural wake...