We’re all familiar with that guy in the gym–the one who spends as much time posing and admiring his physique in the mirror as he does lifting weights. He knows that the “pump” he achieves while training is ephemeral, merely a function of temporarily increased blood flow, and not the instant addition of true muscle mass.
CEC Articles
Category for NFPT CEC articles (continuing education credits) containing information for NFPT-certified personal trainers to earn CECs.
Facts on Fat
Fat often gets a bad rap, and sometimes, rightly so. It is essential for many bodily processes, yet, like just about anything else, too much can be a bad thing.
Don’t Fear the Weight Room
Some women still fear the weight room. The existing myth is that women who lift weights will end up with big bulky muscles and look too manly. Ideas like this are giving resistance training a bad name. We as trainers have to remember that men and women are physiologically different in the fact that the increase in muscle mass that is acquired by men is due to testosterone. Yes, women secrete and deliver testosterone just like men do, but at much lower rates and volume. This allows for women to build tone lean muscle and increase metabolism to enhance weight loss.
Understanding Patellofemoral Syndrome
Knee pain can be a debilitating problem, especially when an individual is not involved with a traumatic event or accident. One condition that I have seen more frequently in my practice as a physical therapist over the years is called patellofemoral syndrome (PFS).
The “F-words” of Injury Prevention: Function, Form, Friends & Fuel
An athletic body is truly a work of art, a wonder to behold. Male or female, every serious athlete, from swimmers to sprinters to gymnasts to bodybuilders, dedicates a tremendous amount of time to their chosen endeavor, spending hours each day striving for excellence. The result is a physique that is strong, healthy, and in good working order.
Nutrition Guidelines: The Changing Shapes of Things
Information on what people should be eating to become healthy and stay healthy can be found just about everywhere you turn, from tabloids in supermarket checkout lanes, to Internet pop-up ads.
Controlling Sodium Intake
Having an adequate amount of nutrients is essential to proper health, but in the case of sodium, it’s easy to have too much of a good thing. In a super-sized food culture, controlling sodium intake can be an uphill climb.
The Internal Physiological Changes from Working Out
Many clients rejoice when they step on the scale and see that they have lost weight. The numbers on the scale, as well as the changes in their physical appearances, are great indicators that their bodies are changing.
Fat Cells: Uncovering the Biology and Physiology of Adipocytes
As surprising at it may be, in the fitness industry the term “fit” is itself an enigma, and an overused one at that.
Core Stability
The core is where the most of the body’s power is derived. It provides the foundation for all movements of the arms and legs. The core must therefore be strong and be capable of dynamic flexibility and synergistic function in its movements in order to achieve maximum performance.