The efficiency of sweating as a cooling mechanism depends on several factors, including an adequate supply of water for the body to draw upon.
CEC Articles
Category for NFPT CEC articles (continuing education credits) containing information for NFPT-certified personal trainers to earn CECs.
Protein Needs for Athletes
We all need to consume some amount of protein on a regular basis, but just how much can vary according to a person’s lifestyle and athletic focus.
Epigenetics: Harness the Power to Change Your DNA
Nature versus Nurture: this age-old topic has been at the root of more scientific and social psychology debates than just about any other subject over the past several decades. The notion that genetics loads the pistol and society pulls the trigger is gaining in popularity, carrying with it the implication that forces around us may actually have a powerful influence on that with which Mother Nature endowed us at birth. The emerging field of study known as epigenetics is studying this specific phenomenon.
Carbohydrates: A 10,000 Foot View
Sometimes looking at things from a distance can help to see the big picture. Such is the case with many aspects of human physiology, including the body's use of carbohydrates for fuel. This article...
Dealing with Piriformis Syndrome
As fitness professionals, we often hear complaints from clients about various muscle aches following tough workouts. Typically we can dispel their fears by explaining the principle of DOMS...
The Salt-Water Connection
It is a simple fact that something salty can ‘make us thirsty”-that is, the mere taste of salt can sometimes be enough to elicit a sense of thirst.
The Skinny on Skin Cancer
Our skin is there to protect us against heat, light, infection, and injury. But we don’t always give it the attention it deserves, particularly when it comes to protecting it against the sun.
Exercise and Pregnancy Can Mix
The concept of exercise during pregnancy has come a long way since it was recommended that pregnant women avoid physical activity. Today, exercise is recommended throughout pregnancy as a way to keep in shape both physically and emotionally.
Looking Critically at Fad Diets
It seems as though just about every month there is a ‘revolutionary’ diet that claims to work weight loss miracles. With so much misinformation, what do you tell your weight loss clients to empower them to make informed decisions of their own?
Make a Splash with Water Workouts
Looking to diversify your programming, attract new clients and add variety for your existing clientele? Water workouts can make quite a splash!