Most fitness enthusiasts who have had their sights set high on muscle growth have certainly heard of creatine if they aren't already taking it. If you've taken it and tolerated it well, it's...
CEC Articles
Category for NFPT CEC articles (continuing education credits) containing information for NFPT-certified personal trainers to earn CECs.
Liver Health Awareness: The Risks of Supplement Toxicity
For many years, research has suggested that many commonly used bodybuilding supplements pose a significant threat to the liver, including non-steroid products sold online or over the counter in...
Re-Injury Prevention: A Fresh Perspective on a Prevalent Problem
Incomplete rehabilitation in athletes, as well as the general fitness population, has led to an unfortunate re-injury epidemic. Should our goal as trainers be to get clients back to...
Coaching Fitness Clients Toward Behavior Change
The process of changing human behavior is challenging and complex given that it is an ongoing, nonlinear process influenced by a number of different factors that change over time. There’s no single...
Success in Cerebral Palsy Strength Training: CP Means “Continual Progress”
For many able-bodied clients, the goal of strength training is simply to improve appearance and increase strength. Such has not always been the case for children, adolescents, and adults living with...
Isometrics: Immovable Forces Toward Strength and Growth
Personal training is not always about how much weight a client can lift. Sometimes lifting no weight at all can challenge a client in new and different ways. This is the beauty of isometrics....
Ice or Heat for Pain?
As personal trainers, we have well-acquainted ourselves with the PRICE protocol; pressure and ice help to reduce the swelling associated with acute injuries. And when it comes to muscle tension,...

The Leg Raise: NOT An Ab Movement
If there is any move personal trainers have seen or even programmed quite frequently and largely in vain, is the hanging leg raise, or lying leg raise. You'll often see this move in the ab-day...
Is Your EPOC Epic? Understanding the Body’s Oxygen Debt
The concept of excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) has been described as a benefit of high-intensity exercise and a major player in weight management and weight loss. But what exactly is...
The NEAT Way to Burn Calories
Are your clients getting bored with endless treadmill sessions, stationary cycles, or counting Stairmaster steps? Or maybe they are so fixated on how many calories they burn during their 30 minute...