As a woman and a fitness professional, I have both "suffered" with and fielded countless questions about cellulite. If you as a personal trainer serve women in your practice, I guarantee this topic...
Health Behaviors and Psychology
Fitness articles related to health behaviors and psychology as it relates to motivation, sports psychology and other factors affecting wellness.
Three Sleep Components That Improve Heart Health
Every single piece of the human body benefits from sleep, including the cardiovascular system. With February being Heart Awareness Month, let's make the connection between sleep hygiene and a...
Fad Diet Red Flags to Share with Fitness Clients
When new fitness clients think about the health and fitness industry, their thoughts are often clouded with their notion of weight loss, detox teas, secret potions, or fat-blasting...
The Benefits of Mindful Exercise: Embracing a Healthy Exercise Mindset
The benefits of mindfulness infrequently require much repeating, but suffice it to say, they are far-reaching. How can personal trainers teach clients to marry mindfulness to their exercise...
Progress Preventers: Three Reasons Your Fitness Clients Aren’t Making Progress
Progress forward towards any fitness or health goal looks different for each individual client. That’s to be expected. No two clients are the same, therefore they will not respond the same even to...
Combatting February Backslide: Keeping Your Clients Engaged
The January resolutioners are out in full gym force for about a month or so. As February arrives in full winter mode, many gym-goers and clients fall off their health and fitness goals. While...
Help Clients Sustain Lifestyle Changes
Our clients often want a magic approach to make lifestyle habits surrounding diet, sleep, workout routines, and adequate hydration easy and attainable all the while never losing momentum. The new...
Cardiovascular Health and Fitness
The cardiovascular system is foundational to exercise, and our understanding as personal trainers of how it works and how things can go wrong is critical for the performance, success, and safety of...
Achieving Harmony: Important Food Messages for Fitness Clients
The topic of food and what is “healthy” or “unhealthy” is always provokes interesting commentary from fitness clients (and, we’ve likely said or thought some of these same things). There’s this...
Engaging Fitness Clients in Weekly Mindful Movement Challenges
The “active couch potato” is a real concern. Through research, we now better understand that too much sitting – even when an individual sets aside time to be physically active on a regular basis –...