As we leave 2020 behind, it's important to reflect on the lessons learned as trainers and as human beings. In 2021, it's important to recognize the negative impact that COVID-19 had on our industry...
Health Behaviors and Psychology
Fitness articles related to health behaviors and psychology as it relates to motivation, sports psychology and other factors affecting wellness.
Encouraging Non-Scale Goals for Personal Training Clients
Weight loss goals dominate the minds of many personal training clients. While weight loss, or more accurately--fat loss, is a valid goal for many individuals who seek our services, it is also a...
Exercise Prescription and Healthcare Professionals
Personal trainers hold the power to change lives. We embrace this fulfilling experience time and again by observing how introducing a healthier lifestyle to new clients sets them up for a future...
Medically Supervised Use of Weight Loss Drugs: Risk or Reward?
Personal training covers more ground than simply cultivating strength and building endurance. Many clients turn to us for weight-related health problems, and the two-pronged diet-exercise approach...
Cinnamon: More Than Just a Flavor to Savor
Cinnamon tops the list of most widely consumed spices the world over. It gained popularity not only for the rich, aromatic flavor it adds to all manner of recipes but also for its potential to...
The Way We Eat: Environmental Impact
Personal trainers have a responsibility to address the dietary habits of their clients. We can make plenty of suggestions, share articles, and raise awareness of the benefits of eating. a certain...
Changing Your Client’s Relationship With Food
The desire for weight loss and attaining the "standard" of beauty is the chaotic cycle that continues to fuel the fitness industry. With clickbait headlines like, "Five Foods for a Flat Stomach" and...
The Way We Eat: The Economics of Food
Food and nutrition is not only a major spotlight of the fitness industry, it’s a hot topic in local government, politics, healthcare, environmental science, and the economy. Basically, food and...
Health Messaging and Exercise Guidelines: What are the recommendations?
When you think of a typical personal training client, who comes to mind? Is it the hardcore, three-days-a-week with you/two-on-her-own HIIT warrior? Or is it the overweight, middle-aged non-athlete...
Fitness Trackers and “Techorexia”
Today’s “gym attire” extends well beyond the latest in designer Lycra clothing. Wearable technology encircles the wrists of a number of personal training clients and fitness enthusiasts seeking to...