The desire for weight loss and attaining the "standard" of beauty is the chaotic cycle that continues to fuel the fitness industry. With clickbait headlines like, "Five Foods for a Flat Stomach" and...
Health Behaviors and Psychology
Fitness articles related to health behaviors and psychology as it relates to motivation, sports psychology and other factors affecting wellness.
The Way We Eat: The Economics of Food
Food and nutrition is not only a major spotlight of the fitness industry, it’s a hot topic in local government, politics, healthcare, environmental science, and the economy. Basically, food and...
Health Messaging and Exercise Guidelines: What are the recommendations?
When you think of a typical personal training client, who comes to mind? Is it the hardcore, three-days-a-week with you/two-on-her-own HIIT warrior? Or is it the overweight, middle-aged non-athlete...
Fitness Trackers and “Techorexia”
Today’s “gym attire” extends well beyond the latest in designer Lycra clothing. Wearable technology encircles the wrists of a number of personal training clients and fitness enthusiasts seeking to...
Client Check-Ins: Checking in is Good for Business and Results
Name one tool that improves client’s outcomes, creates a stronger, longer-lasting relationship with clients, and improves overall revenues..? Check-Ins! Go the Extra Mile Creating a thorough process...
Can Recreational Drinking Improve Bone Density?
Studies have revealed that alcohol consumption plays a definitive role in the preservation of bone density, similarly to an increase in lean muscle mass. Before suggesting happy hour to your...
Process Goals Versus Outcome Goals: The Art of Goal Setting
Goal setting is a regular part of any fitness routine and of every personal trainer’s usual skillset. Setting goals allows for accountability, measurable targets, and meaningful feedback. But it’s...
What Fitness Pros Can Learn From Economics
As a trainer turned-behavioral economics-major, I’ve become increasingly aware of how economics applies to everything we do in the industry—and it can have a significant impact on our own financial...
Turning Client Objections into Opportunities
As fit pros, we've all read the part in the NFPT Personal Trainer manual that advises us on how to overcome client objections, right? If we are successful, we've honed these skills in the field and...
Acupuncture and Athletes
As a fit pro, I'm always looking for options my clients can use to keep them in great health in order to reach their fitness and wellness goals. I've recently started officially studying Acupuncture...