Most of the time we have different types of clients who are easy to work with, who try their best. There are many personality traits and different views on exercise, so intentions will vary....
Client Relationships
Learn more about how to navigate personal trainer and client relationships.
Structuring Feedback for Fitness Clients
Providing fitness clients balanced, constructive, and positive feedback about performance and progress is crucial to success. They rely on it in order to learn and grow. Without feedback, learning...
Spot Reduction: Discussing What’s Actually Possible With Fitness Clients
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if a person could get rid of excess fat found on one specific part of their body by working the muscle directly beneath the fat? That is exactly what many of our fitness...
Mindset Shifts for Weight Loss Success
Putting in an hour at the gym two to three times per week is arguably the easiest part of trying to get fit. This is not to discount the difficulties of finding the time nor the effort put forth...
Fostering Empathy to Elevate the Fitness Client’s Experience
I always start the semester by engaging my personal training students in a discussion that prompts them to answer this question: “what does effective personal training require?” Invariably, they...
How to Avoid Toxic Positivity when Communicating with Fitness Clients
Establishing rapport is the first step towards developing successful and sustainable relationships with fitness clients. Rapport indicates a mutual trust and respect is present within the...
How To Create a Supportive Fitness Community
Social support provided by friends, family, and peers is a significant predictor of success in the achievement of health and fitness goals. For our personal training clients to be successful in the...
Buddy Benefits – The Pros and Cons of Exercising with Others
National Friendship Day is this week! Having life long friends and community connections has numerous proven health benefits. Likewise exercising and participating in strenuous activities are...
Personal Training Client Types, Why They Hire You, and How to Knock Their Socks Off
For every year you're in the fitness industry, there's another personal training client type you will have assessed and categorized in the back of your personal trainer brain. Not that everyone you...