A large part of being a coach/personal trainer is keeping your clients motivated, but motivating yourself to remain a vigilant and inspiring trainer is just as important. You want them to be...
Client Relationships
Learn more about how to navigate personal trainer and client relationships.

Energy Vampires: How to Handle Personal Training Clients That Drain Your Life Force
A career in personal training is no doubt far more challenging than most ever expect it to be, and one of the biggest reasons for that is fielding and filtering the energy of our clients on a daily...
Motivational Messaging: Five Things Fitness Professionals Should Probably Stop Saying
As trainers, we are constantly looking for ways to encourage and motivate our clients, and one of the most common ways we do this is with our words. But, what if our words have the opposite effect...
The Difference Between Pain and Discomfort
“That hurts!” We’ve likely all heard our clients express some experience of pain or discomfort. They might say an exercise hurts, or that it is painful, or perhaps complain about pain post-workout....
Real-Life Skills Transfer to Personal Training
Transferable skills refer to those actions that we can apply across various industries and roles. Whether we acquire these skills from working in another gym, a self-owned personal training company,...
Six Soft Skills Every Personal Trainer Needs
All personal trainers must possess a solid foundational knowledge of exercise science, biomechanics, exercise physiology, anatomy, safety, and program design. But what about those less tangible...
8 Valuable Fitness Client Relationship Builders
Relationship builders make excellent service providers. Even if a personal trainer knows the science inside and out, it means very little if that professional is unable to build solid, trusting, and...
Redirecting Non-compliant Clients
To a large extent, our daily lineup of clients often dictates our frame of mind. While we strive to uphold professionalism and treat each person as an individual with unique needs and goals, all...
Daily Goals
Simple daily goals eventually form long-term lifestyle change. Setting them is a cognizant decision that’s repeated to instill habit. Starting small allows success to flourish in the bigger picture....
The Positive Side of Procrastination
Could there be a positive side to procrastination? Generally, the answer is expected to be "no", given that procrastination is generally thought of as poor practice. However, if you change your...