The NFPT Team is your #FitFam of trainer professionals who make various contributions to the NFPT Blog according to timed news and events, or interests in writing to current topics respective to individual skillset, talent and/or professional recommendations.

Water Essentials

“Water is the essential component of all life. It comprises 70% of the Earth’s surface, 75% of the human body and 90% of blood. 97% of Earth’s water is in the oceans, 2% is frozen in icecaps, 1% is fresh, but much of this is inaccessible, deep in the Earth. From what...

The Dangers of Energy Drinks

“Energy drain” is a common complaint of athletes who train hard and often. Therefore, since they are reminded to hydrate adequately, they can be attracted to “energy beverages” that promise performance and energy boost in addition to fluid. Adequate rest, sleep,...

Quitting Caffeine

Whether it comes in the form of a nonfat latte or a Mountain Dew, caffeine is the favored drug of millions. While it heightens alertness and can improve performance in everything from tests to marathon times, it also causes a wide range of side effects. Caffeine...

Got Sleep?

Do you or your clients have difficulty falling asleep (30-45 minutes)? Once asleep, do they wake frequently and have trouble returning to sleep? Do you wake up too early in the morning? Are you experiencing unrefreshing sleep? Lots of people suffer from bad sleep...

GoXercise Trans4mer

About GoXercise GoXercise, Inc. is the NEW Alternative vs. Painful and Extreme Exercise… It’s your Smooth-n-Steady Solution for Health and Fitness! Our unique Trans4mational Wellness™ position is focused on (4) strategic phases: 1) Product...

Lebert Fitness

  Lebert Fitness is a world leader in innovative body weight training tools. About Lebert Marc Lebert is the inventor of the LEBERT EQUALIZERS™, the LEBERT BUDDY SYSTEM™ and the LEBERT STRETCH STRAP™, used by Personal Trainers, fitness clubs,...

Change It Up!

Thirty minutes of cardio, ten minutes of strength training with weights and bands, a cool down and stretching. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. When you work with any type of client you’ve got to keep them interested and motivated. This is especially true if you are training...

Offer a Personal Training Trial Period

I’m willing to bet that at one point or other in your career you came up with a creative new way to shake things up with your clients. Maybe that idea didn’t make it that far from the drawing board. At some point in the process it was stifled. Either you or your clients weren’t ready for change.

Our profession can inspire creativity and stifle it at the same time. Our time with clients is precious. They want results, and you can’t risk using them as guinea pigs to try an untested system. This is where the focus group and a trial period come in.

Ultimate Sandbag

   Finally, an easy-to-use, adaptive solution to sandbag training! About the ULTIMATE SANDBAG Core Fitness System   The Ultimate Sandbag was created in 2005 by Strength Coach, Josh Henkin, as a means to help a severe back injury that both ended his athletic career and...