Incorporating physical activity into the work day is a good way to help shake off the winter ‘blahs’ and make good on any New Year’s fitness resolutions. Make sure to give your busy clients some good tips on how to keep active during their workday!

The process of becoming and staying fit doesn’t just happen at the gym (although, increasingly, companies are recognizing the value of offering fitness club memberships and/or providing fitness facilities at the workplace). Yet, it can be a real challenge to devote time just to exercising on some days. Fortunately, it’s possible to incorporate some physical activity into each day of the week, even as part of someone’s regular schedule at work.

The National Institute on Aging suggests the following tips:

  • Take the stairs instead of the elevatorOffice Workout
  • Take a walk with co-workers during the lunch break. An exercise partner can help stick with a plan to be more active
  • Instead of sending an e-mail, walk down the hall and talk with a co-worker
  • Park away from the office and enjoy the walk
  • Join the company’s fitness center, if one is available

Find 10-minute workout break opportunities throughout the day. There are a number of strength, balance, and flexibility exercises that can be done right at a desk. The National Institute on Aging‘s website, 10Go4Life, has easy-to-follow directions for all of the exercises that follow – just find a chair or a wall in a suitable location.2

Upper-body strength

  • Try the chair dip, chair stand, and wall push-up.

Lower-body strength

  • Perform the knee curl and chair stand; then get up and do the toe stand, back leg raise and side leg raise.


  • Stand on one foot or walk heel to toe.


  • Move around some in order to warm up; then stretch the thigh, calf, and ankle. Also try the stretches for the neck, upper body, chest, and back.

These and other simple moves can be effective ways to break up the monotony of sitting at a desk or work station and liven up the workday.



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