Personal training and passion are not mutually exclusive.

Bill McGinnis recently wrote, “If you can’t talk to people – you may need to find a different career path.”

This is right on. As a personal trainer, you need to have the confidence to talk to anyone and everyone. You need to wear your passion for your lifestyle on your sleeve. And, it’s not all about talking – remember to listen. With listening comes a sense of intimacy that you have achieved the ultimate success – knowing a client on a deeper level; earning their trust so you can cut through their excuses and truly help them reach their goals.

Last week, Michael R. Mantell, Ph.D. was a guest blogger on CBI Unbound where he discussed the importance of creating real-world relationships with your clients. He quoted Fred Wiersema, business strategist and best-selling author, to show how you, as a personal trainer and gym owner, can set yourself apart.

“Engage your customers deeply. Transform their experiences. Become critical to their success. And shape a winning culture to sustain your edge,” said Wiersema.

Mantell also mentioned how nothing can compare to old fashioned face-to-face interactions.

“In an age when clubs are searching for, and being sold, ways to communicate with their members in virtual-reality environments, smart operators are cultivating real customer intimacy. Don’t let anyone fool you into believing that you’ll stand out from the crowd with more virtual connectivity. A real handshake trumps an e-mailed greeting any day. But, when clubs have all but given up on bona fide customer intimacy, it’s easy to be sold more digital “hellos.””

While I completely agree with Mantell – nothing can substitute the effectiveness and sincerity that occurs when you are standing in front of a prospective client. But, I also think that if you are a genuine person – digital marketing can work for you. Maybe your passion doesn’t come through in the written word. Ok, so, don’t try to author a blog. But, maybe you are a great orator. Purchase an inexpensive video camera, sit it on a desk, point it in your direction and start talking about why you do what you do. Post it to YouTube and give those, who have never met you, a taste of what it would be like to be encouraged by you every day.

As a personal trainer you must believe in yourself, your mission and your clients. Regardless of your profession, if you don’t have passion for what you do, how can you pull yourself out of bed day after day? Life is too short. Love what you do – and share it with others.

Why do you love what you do?

Ron Clark is the Founder of National Federation of Professional Trainers, NFPT. From U.S. Marine Staff Sergeant to Competitive BodyBuilder, then Firefighter and Certified Personal Trainer - he founded NFPT in 1988 with a mission to make fitness training careers accessible to every day fitness enthusiasts who want to turn their passion into their livelihood. Ron has always led with a heart of service, and, in that spirit, he helps people to achieve real and practical career goals that serve a greater good in changing people's lives. He lives and leads by example, being a personal trainer himself for more than 10 years before setting out to develop a certification program that is real-world and foundational to the goals of personal trainers and their clients. Click Here to learn more about Ron's story and NFPT's inception.