Getting to the “Sole” of the Debate: Squatting With or Without Shoes
A majority of fitness centers across the country require members to wear closed-toed athletic shoes when lifting weights and engaging in other aerobic-type endeavors. Whether a matter of safety (protecting delicate bones in the feet in case someone nearby drops a...
Gut Health, Weight Loss, and the NU-AGE Mediterranean Diet
Personal trainers preach that healthy insides, accomplished through clean...
Added Sugar: Hiding in Plain Sight
Diet culture would have us believe that “sugar is evil” which is not accurate...
Exercise Science
Mind-Body Interventions for Stress Reduction: A Comparative Analysis of Yoga, Meditation, and Tai Chi
In today’s fast-paced world, stress has become an inevitable part of daily...
Stress, Hormones, and Exercise Performance: Implications for Training Women
Women’s bodies respond to stress, hormones, and exercise differently than...
Email Etiquette for Personal Trainers: How to Really Nail an Email
While social media seems to have become the dominant form of communication between potential...
How Personal Trainers Can Use Business Listings
Becoming a personal trainer involves more than just learning how to train clients--one also has to...
Can Ice Cream Help Diabetics Reduce Cardiovascular Risks?
Recent research has surprised scientists and befuddled nutrition experts by announcing a...
Eating To Reduce Hypertension: Plant-Based, DASH, or Very Low Carb Meal Plans?
Adults living with high blood pressure (a reading higher than 140/90 mm Hg) often present with a...
Dorsalgia: Back Pain and the Personal Training Client
Back pain, also known as dorsalgia, affects a considerable number of adults each year, ranking as...
Is Having a Fit Body Enough to be a Successful Personal Trainer?
As a personal trainer, having a fit body can be an impressive accomplishment, a testament to your...
Hormesis: The Phenomenon that Promises Personal Training Success 100% of the Time
Personal trainers are much more than just rep-counters. We are tasked with helping motivate people...
Training Menopausal Women with Expertise: A Guide for Certified Personal Trainers
As personal trainers, we encounter a wide range of clients, each presenting unique challenges and...
Gut Health, Weight Loss, and the NU-AGE Mediterranean Diet
Personal trainers preach that healthy insides, accomplished through clean eating, lead to improved...
Understanding VO2 Max and the Altitude Challenge
When starting a fitness client on a new exercise program, personal trainers must decide on the...
How Combined Nutrition and Physical Activity Interventions Greatly Impact Health Outcomes
As an ACE Certified Health Coach and NFPT-CPT, I spend a considerable amount of time talking and...
Plyometrics: The Whys, the Do’s and the Don’t’s
Plyometrics can be beneficial for both athletes and general personal training clients. On the flip...