Frank is an upbeat, positive and passionate personal trainer. You can sense his “coach” personality by the way he communicates. With over 20 years of experience in the fitness industry, Frank has trained hundreds of clients from age 9 to 90. He has worked as a high school Strength and Conditioning Coach for all sports and written a book. Here’s what he had to say about being in the fitness field!

How long have you been certified with NFPT?
23 years. I received my certification Feb 4, 1994.

Why did you choose NFPT?
I wanted a course that would teach me how to apply specific exercises, rep ranges, number of sets and nutrition advice for my clients specific goals. I also wanted an organization that would help me continue to learn. NFPT was the answer.

Why did you decide to become a personal trainer?
I have been lifting weights and exercising since I was thirteen years old. Because of my experience exercising, I knew first hand the positive results you can achieve with exercise and wanted to share that knowledge with others.

What unique perspective can someone your age provide clients?
I believe there is nothing more valuable than experience. Working in this field for 23 years has exposed me to many diverse issues that clients deal with. I have used my experience to achieve positive results with all my clients.


What would you say to someone who is retired and thinking about being a trainer?
Be sure you are passionate about fitness.  Because our population is aging, I feel you have an advantage in that there is a good possibility that you will be working with clients 55years of age and older and it’s very likely that you have experienced the aches and pains that they are dealing with. My clients enjoy the fact that I can relate to their issues.  It’s an exciting and rewarding field.

What is the biggest challenge for you as a personal trainer?
Starting out it was discovering how to market myself and make a living doing what I enjoy. Now my biggest challenge is explaining my philosophy of quality vs quantity – that means slow, controlled movements and results over time, instead of today’s world of fast tempo, terrible form in executing movements and client expectation of immediate results.


What is your biggest accomplishment in the fitness industry?
Recently I had a book published titled Fitness, Health & Longevity – A Personal Journey. In it I share my reasons for becoming a trainer, all the positive changes I’ve witnessed in my clients, exercise and nutrition tips, and sample workouts. In it I talk about the amazing changes that happen to people, not just physically but emotionally and spiritually as well.

What was it like writing your book?
Actually the book wrote itself. Once I began writing, I couldn’t stop. I was excited for the opportunity to share my experience witnessing all the positive changes in my clients lives.

Any tips for trainers who want to write a book?
Write from your heart.  Express your passion.

What has been your most rewarding experience as a personal trainer?
The fact that I make a positive impact on someone’s life is rewarding. I have helped teenagers gain confidence and strength, those who are middle age improve their health and regain the ability to play golf, tennis or whatever their chosen activity and seniors become agile – not fragile. The fact that I can assist others improve the quality of their life regardless of age is very, very fulfilling.

Do you have a favorite client memory?
One of my favorite memories is when I was working with a college athlete to prepare him for football.  We worked very hard in the summer – lifting and running.  When he returned to school, I knew he was in tremendous condition and very strong.  During the season, one of his games was televised.  He dominated the game and my phone rang continuously.  It was his father proudly thanking me over and over again for what I did for his son.

Any advice for people thinking about a career in fitness?
As with any career I believe you must be passionate about what you are doing. You should enjoy exercising and thirst for learning all you can. If you’re having fun at your job – you never work a day in your life,

Is there anything else exciting you would like to share?
I get excited knowing that I have found my passion and look forward to every training session. Life is great!

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Beverly Hosford

Beverly Hosford, MA teaches anatomy and body awareness using a skeleton named Andy, balloons, play-doh, ribbons, guided visualizations, and corrective exercises. She is an instructor, author, and a business coach for fitness professionals. Learn how to help your clients sleep better with in Bev’s NFPT Sleep Coach Program and dive deeper into anatomy in her NFPT Fundamentals of Anatomy Course.