First impressions are a critical part of landing job opportunities. They mean more in the fitness industry than in any other. For example, how much will a client trust you if they can’t tell you work out? This comes down to one thing. You’ve got to practice what you preach. Be in peak physical condition, professional in conduct, well groomed, and dress appropriately.

I know we’ve talked about this before, but here’s a practical example of the importance of first impressions. You are a certified trainer. You are extremely knowledgeable and in decent shape. You are training in the local health club with your training partner. Your partner is in great shape and his enthusiasm for fitness is obvious. Your workout is progressing well, but then a new health club member interrupts your partner. Your training partner is detained for several minutes answering questions and offering advice to the newcomer. The advice provided, while not exactly correct, was fundamentally sound. The next day, your training partner tells you that the new guy from yesterday asked him to be his trainer.

Your training partner is not a certified personal trainer. You are. Because of that one day when you weren’t “feeling it” and because you have been slacking off for a few months, you just lost an opportunity to acquire a paying client. Someone who is important to your actual livelihood. Someone who is now donating money to your friend’s hobby.

This just goes to show that people will usually seek out the advice of someone who is where they want to be. The beginner usually makes the assumption that the one with an impressive physique and energetic attitude must know how to get the beginner there as well. This is not always the case. The fact remains that a great build and a great mental outlook attracts prospects.

It’s tough, but you must always be on your game. Every moment you are in the gym or simply around others who care about fitness is an opportunity for you to:

  • share your passion,
  • make a difference,
  • change a life, and
  • meet potential clients.

Always remember why you started in this industry in the first place. Always stay focused on the big picture. If you ever need a little reminder or a little push, reach out to us here at NFPT. We’re here to help. We’re here to listen.

Ron Clark is the Founder of National Federation of Professional Trainers, NFPT. From U.S. Marine Staff Sergeant to Competitive BodyBuilder, then Firefighter and Certified Personal Trainer - he founded NFPT in 1988 with a mission to make fitness training careers accessible to every day fitness enthusiasts who want to turn their passion into their livelihood. Ron has always led with a heart of service, and, in that spirit, he helps people to achieve real and practical career goals that serve a greater good in changing people's lives. He lives and leads by example, being a personal trainer himself for more than 10 years before setting out to develop a certification program that is real-world and foundational to the goals of personal trainers and their clients. Click Here to learn more about Ron's story and NFPT's inception.