
Facebook is a great tool to reach a lot of people without a big financial investment. Like most things in life, to get good at anything, it takes time.

With the right strategy, you too can build your brand as a personal trainer and get your message across to your potential clients.

Here are 5 strategies that will help you grow your business with Facebook.

1. Plan. If you fail to plan, you will plan to fail. Just winging it won’t work and is not sustainable to deliver the type of message that you want to portray your service to the public.

Having at least a month of content will improve your quality posts vs just putting a post out there randomly. You won’t be pressed for time and you can put more thought into what it is you are actually posting.

2. Consistency. If you post only once per week, no one will follow you and less will likely see your post. The more frequent your post on Facebook the more relevant you will show up on people’s news feed. People will follow you if you put yourself out there. Aim to post at a minimum once per day.

3. Use Visuals. We are in a visual world so as much as you may like to write, have videos. People’s attention spans are typically less than a minute (some say 30 seconds) so if you write a novel as a post, you probably won’t get a ton of traction from viewers but if you have a video or picture, you will have a great chance of catching the eye to your post.

Social media has made it so easy to illustrate what you do to the public. For fractions of what it would cost compared to direct mailers, you can put a video clip together and reach far more people.

4. Quality. You have to have something meaningful to say. Posting shirtless selfie pictures would not be an example of a quality post. Posting on how you can help someone gain more energy and prevent injuries would be a quality post that people would perceive value.

Analyze what other trainers are doing. How are they posting? What posts are they doing that are getting engagement (comments and likes)? More often than not, the trainers that are successful on Facebook are putting quality content out there.

5. Relevance. Posting content with summer slim down strategies in the middle of December won’t earn you any fans. With the amount of content being consumed every day, timing is everything and staying relevant is even more important.

Your plan should take into consideration what’s going in the world, what’s trending and what people are curious about. So figure out how to take your message and deliver in a relevant meaningful way.

Posting on Facebook isn’t complicated. Develop a system and take action. Keep these 5 strategies in mind and you will get your message out to the public.

I think as Facebook as a necessary tool where you can control your brand and have the potential to get noticed by people you probably would not have had the opportunity to reach. Go on and get started.

What have you found to be a successful strategy for Facebook marketing your services?

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Ian Nimblett

Ian Nimblett, CFSC, CSCS, NFPT-CPT and is a functional strength & conditioning coach, personal trainer, and author. He is the founder and owner of Premier Fitness Group LLC in South Salem, NY, a world-class functional training facility that provides private, semi-private, and group training.